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Before the American Revolution King George III ordered that all printing presses in the colonies be registered with the government. Today, the newly crowned "King George II" (George W Bush), is trying to use his rapidly growing power to force political Web sites to register with the government.
Presidential Candidate George W Bush has filed a complaint with the FEC against a Web site that criticizes and satirizes him. On August 19th the FEC will have their first hearing on regulating political content on the Internet. If the FEC rules in Bushs favor, the operators of political Web sites would be required to either register with the government by forming a Political Action Committee (PAC) or face fines. Registering with the FEC as a PAC is a complex process that would prevent many individuals from publishing their views on personal Web Sites.
When asked at a press conference whether "the plug should be pulled" on a web site that discussed drug use in his past Bush said, in front of several television cameras, "Yes" and added, "There ought to be limits to freedom."
We the undersigned want to send a message to candidate George W Bush, the FEC, and all other public officials, that the American people will fight to preserve freedom of speech on the Internet.
The Internet takes freedom of speech to a new level by making every persons speech available to anyone in the world who wants to listen. Our leaders should be working to expand this new freedom, not to limit it.
[Bush's complaint to the FEC] [The web site Bush want's shut down] [The press conference in which Bush announced there 'ought to be limits to freedom'.]