1 Neal Frey
9 Shirley Spellerberg
17 Jo Howard
25 Marco Gilliam
We are proud to be Texans and Republicans! Republicans now hold all statewide elected offices and are clearly the emerging majority Party in Texas. We are the Party of ideas. Our principles reflect the core values that resonate with in the hearts of Texans. These values are anchored in the Godly heritage of our founders who recognized life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as gifts of God and gave us a vision for the future. These principles are tested and proven. They will continue to make our State strong, prosperous and proud. We welcome voters from all across the State who are realizing that the principles they have always embraced are reflected in our Republican Platform!
THE 2025
Preserving American Freedom
State Sovereignty/States Rights
– The Party supports state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment
which reserves to the states or the people all powers not specifically delegated
in the Constitution to the federal government and opposes the institution of
mandates that are beyond the scope of the federal authority.
Limited Federal Powers
– The Party urges the re–affirmation of states’ rights
guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
We further support the abolition of federal agencies involved in
activities not originally intended to be delegated to the federal government
under a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
Constitutional Citations on Legislation –
The Party urges that all bills presented in Congress include citations to
the constitutional provision that authorizes Congress to act on the matter under
consideration, the cost to implement and the impact on the family.
Equality Under the Law –
The Party believes all federal laws shall apply equally to members of
Congress as well as all other residents of the United States.
Exemptions of members of Congress from current laws shall be repealed.
Conduct of Public Officials
– The Party believes
the president of the United States and all members of the Executive, Legislative
and Judicial branches of the federal and state governments shall be held to the
same standards of conduct as other law-abiding citizens.
We call for the investigation and, if appropriate, prosecution of any and
all members of the Clinton administration that have committed crimes, up to and
including possible treason against the United States of America, without respect
to the office served.
Federal Judiciary Reform
– The Party calls on the House of Representatives and the Senate to
exercise their authority to impeach
and remove federal judges who abuse their constitutional authority.
Judicial Restraint –
The Party supports the principle of judicial restraint, which requires that
judges interpret and apply rather than make the law. We encourage the support of
judges who strictly interpret the law based on the law’s original intent.
Judicial Activism –
The Party stands strongly against activist judges, who use their power to
usurp the clear will of the people. We publicly rebuke judges Chief Justice
Murphy and John Anderson, who ruled that the 100 year-old Texas sodomy law is
unconstitutional, and ask that all members of the Republican Party of Texas
oppose their re-election, and activist judges like them, and support
non-activist judges as their opponents.
Law Enforcement –
According to Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, federal law
enforcement powers have criminal jurisdiction limited to the high seas, federal
installations, and counterfeiting operations. The Party believes that most crime
is local and that the states, according to the Tenth Amendment, reserve law
enforcement authority. Implementing this policy would effectively eliminate the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which we would applaud. Many citizens
have become concerned about the expansion of federal law enforcement authority
and the use of military personnel and equipment against its citizens. The civil
rights of American citizens must be respected.
Preserving National Security
– The Party strongly
urges the implementation of more stringent requirements for the issuance of
National security clearances to individuals.
Furthermore, in light of recent security fiascos, we urge our legislators
to fully investigate and prosecute, where appropriate, any breeches in national
Property Forfeiture
– The Party supports
legislation which will strengthen the present restrictions on the use of civil
forfeiture laws and the enactment of laws which provide for the assessment of
penalties and fines for the reimbursement of injured parties for attorney fees
and cots accrued if the property is returned.
District of Columbia
– The Party strongly opposes all efforts to make the District of
Columbia the fifty–first state in the United States of America.
Census – The Party opposes any attempt by the United States Census
Bureau to obtain any information beyond the number of people residing in the
dwelling at the time of the census and in accordance with Article I, section 2
of the United State Constitution. We
strongly support counting each citizen and urge elected officials to resist
taking a census by any other method.
Elimination of Executive Orders
– The Party demands the elimination of presidential authority to issue
executive orders, presidential decision directives and other administrative
mandates that do not have congressional approval. Further, we demand a repeal of
all previous executive orders and administrative mandates.
Preservation of Republican Form of Government
– The Party reaffirms our support for the provisions for a
Republican (Representative) form of government as set forth in the Texas
Constitution and Texas Bill of Rights [Art. I, Sec. 2; Art. I, Sec 29; Art II,
Sec. 1; and Art. XVII, Sec. 2(g)] and we oppose any attempt to introduce direct
democracy (I & R) into our state constitution thereby bypassing the
legislative process and the checks and balances between the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches of government. We hereby reaffirm the
principles espoused in the United States Declaration of Independence and United
States Constitution.
Constitutional Convention
(NO CON–CON) – The Party opposes a Constitutional Convention or
“Conference of the States” to rewrite the United States Constitution.
Furthermore we urge the Texas Legislature to immediately rescind the State’s
1977 vote sent to the United States Congress calling for a Constitutional
Convention. We also call upon other states to rescind their votes for a
Constitutional Convention.
Personal Confidentiality
– The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution guarantees the right of
the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against
unreasonable searches and seizures and that this right shall not be violated.
The Party directs that legislation be introduced in both the United States
Congress and the state of Texas to repeal existing statutory requirements and
end the ever increasing, incessant, recurring, and calculated gathering,
accumulation, and dissemination of finger prints, Social Security numbers,
financial, and personal information of law abiding citizens by business and
governments for use of which are contrary to and destructive of our individual
and collective freedom. Such legislation shall provide remedy and redress to any
individual denied service for refusing to provide the above-mentioned
Medical Record Confidentiality
– The Party opposes any and all unauthorized access, accumulation and
distribution of an individual’s private medical records by a government agency
or any agent working on behalf of a government agency.
Repeal of Federal War Powers Act
–A perpetual state of national emergency allows unrestricted growth
of government. The Party charges the president to cancel the state of national
emergency and charges Congress to repeal the War Powers Act and to declare an
end to the previously declared states of emergency.
Monetary System –
The Party calls for the United States monetary system to be returned to the gold
standard. Since the Federal Reserve System is a private corporation, has no
reserves, and is not subject to taxation or audit, we call on Congress to
abolish this institution and reassume its authority, enumerated by Article I,
Section 8 of the United States Constitution, for the coinage of money.
Federal Reserve Audit
– The Party supports a congressional audit of the Federal Reserve
Board. The Federal Reserve Board
minutes of meetings should be made public.
Annexation –
The Party supports legislation that will guarantee residents of the proposed
areas to be annexed, as well as residents of the municipalities proposing
annexation, the right to a binding referendum to approve or disapprove
Property Rights –
The Party opposes continued federal land acquisition and control. We reaffirm
belief in the fundamental constitutional concept of a person’s right to own
property without federal interference. We oppose any increase in federal land
use control. We oppose any international treaty or land control measure that
abridges or overrides the sovereignty of the United States. The Endangered
Species Act must be re–written to make it land–owner and wildlife friendly
by eliminating penalties and by emphasizing incentives and cooperative efforts
that begin at the local and state levels. We also demand that the federal
government adhere to the Fourth Amendment by immediately halting the seizure of
private property without due process.
Environment, Property Ownership and Natural Resources
– Preamble – The Party
affirms ownership of property is the cornerstone of individual freedom and it
understands government ownership of land to be the cornerstone of socialism. We
reaffirm the belief in the fundamental constitutional concept of an
individual’s right to own and use property without governmental interference.
We believe that the
right to own and use property is the source of the nation’s wealth, jobs, and
individual economic security. We affirm that property rights and the free
enterprise system form the foundation of our nation’s collective wealth.
In turn, it is our collective wealth that supports a strong environmental
ethic. Economic security is the foundation for secure, healthy
families and the future of our children.
We believe in
maintaining American sovereignty over our natural resources.
We believe in building
our tax base through local conservation of our natural resources.
We believe the
environment is best served by individuals working in their own best interest.
We believe in local
stewardship of our natural resources for our children’s future freedom and
We believe that the
taking of property should follow with immediate compensation to the property
We believe that the
taking of property includes the loss of proportionate value of property, loss of
use, loss of access, and loss of marketability. We believe in sound science and
not politically correct science.
believe that groundwater is an absolute vested ownership right of the landowner.
As the capture of and the competition for groundwater increases, we
support voter-approved county ground water districts to address inequitable
We believe that
the state should neither make nor enforce any law that may abridge the
privileges or immunities of the citizens of Texas with respect to minerals,
water, or property rights without due process of law.
We Support: |
Oppose: |
development with identification of costs and benefits to the United
States economy |
the Clinton-Gore
administration’s concept of “sustainable development” |
the repeal of
estate and inheritance taxes |
inheritance and
estate taxes because of their negative effect on the transfer of small
businesses, farms and ranches as economic units and as unfragmented
wildlife habitat |
termination of
funding for the American Heritage Rivers Initiative ·
the state
control of state resources |
the American
Heritage Rivers Initiative nationalization and control of lands and
watersheds of the United States through executive orders |
based on proven science and support congressional oversight over
administrative edicts relative to implementation of any aspect of the
Kyoto Agreement and other international treaties |
the theory of
global warming and the Kyoto Agreement ·
passage of any
international treaty which overrides United States sovereignty |
oversight of the Clinton-Gore administration’s piecemeal
implementation of the Biodiversity Treaty |
ratification of the Biodiversity Treaty and any its subsets of
international authority over United States’ resources |
re-writing the
Endangered Species Act so that it is wildlife and landowner friendly,
replacing penalties with incentives that preserve land ownership |
the Endangered
Species Act as currently authorized and its implementation as a land use
control document |
United States
control of United States resources by authority vested in the individual
states and by congressional action if issues are national in scope |
the Wildlands
Project, Border 21, the World Heritage Treaty, and the United Nations
BioReserve program |
termination of
the inequitable tax–exempt status of one thousand acres per county of
the conservancy groups in Texas |
the vast
acquisition of Texas land by conservancy groups and government agencies,
which potentially reduces the local tax base |
the election of
a conservative Republican president who supports the constitution and
the sovereignty of the United States |
administration’s move toward the socialistic redistribution of our
national wealth, as well as the wealth of individuals ·
the economic
intrusion of the United Nations into the affairs of the American people |
restraint at all levels and the avoidance of remedial measures until the
issue is clearly defined and scientifically verifiable |
EPA management
of Texas’ air quality issues |
Reforming the Judicial
Direct Election of State Judges
– The Party supports our right to select our judges by a direct
vote of the people.
Visiting Judges – The Party supports state legislation prohibiting judges
defeated by the electorate from serving as visiting judges, or acting as judges
in any capacity, until such time they are reinstated by the electorate through a
subsequent election.
Judicial Conduct – The
Party affirms that judges should not express bias or prejudice in the discharge
of their duties. However, judges must retain their constitutional right to speak
out about issues. We oppose the enforcement of and call for the repeal of
section 5(1) of the Judicial Code of Conduct that has been interpreted as
calling for judges to refrain from exercising their freedom of speech, freedom
of association, or freedom of religion.
Jury Reform – The
Party supports legislation protecting the right to privacy and security of
prospective jurors during the jury selection process. The courts must show the
relevance of questions asked of jurors and perform a balancing test between the
prospective juror’s right to privacy and the relevance of the lawyer’s need
to know. We support legislation enabling an accused party in a criminal trial to
inform the jurors of their right to determine both the law and the facts and to
render a verdict according to conscience.
Administrative Justice –
The Party supports the right of citizens to full and open participation in the
state’s administrative law processes. We oppose any amendments to the
Administrative Procedures and Texas Register Act or any other laws, regulations
and rules that unreasonably limit ordinary citizen input.
Qualified Juror Service – The Party urges the limitation of jury service to those who
are registered voters. Further, any party to a lawsuit may strike for cause any
prospective juror who has been convicted of a criminal offense higher than a
Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
– Congress should be urged to exercise its authority under Article III,
Sections 1 and 2 of the United States Constitution, and should withhold
appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in such cases involving abortion,
religious freedom, and all rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.
Union Dues – The party supports legislation requiring labor unions to
obtain the consent of the individual union member before the member’s dues can
be used for political purposes.
Voter Registration –
The Party supports needed legislation to restore integrity to the voter
registration rolls and to reduce
voter fraud. Furthermore, we
support the repeal of all Motor Voter laws and urge re-registering voters every
four years and requiring first time registrants to produce photo identification,
proof of residency, and citizenship along with voter registration application.
Judicial Financing Reform
– The Party supports the establishment of consistent guidelines for
contributions to campaigns of state judges in order to limit ability to unfairly
influence the judicial process.
Internet Voting – The
Party opposes internet voting.
Informed Electorate – The Party supports legislation that will eliminate
single party (straight ticket) voting.
Filing Date for Primary Election
– The Party urges the Texas legislators to change the Election Code date of
the filing for the March primary from January 2 to the second Monday in January.
Fair Election Procedures
– The Party supports ongoing modifications and strengthening of election laws
to assure ballot integrity and fair and impartial elections at all levels of
government. We commend the Texas
Legislature for the positive election law changes it made during the 1999
Legislative session.
Campaign Finance Reform
– The Party opposes any so–called “campaign finance reform” that
restricts free speech, the right to publicize the voting records or positions of
public officials or the amount of individual or Political Action Committee
contributions. We support full disclosure of the amounts and sources of these
Support of Platform
– Any person filing as a Republican candidate for a public or Party
office shall be provided a current copy of the Party platform at the time of
filing. The candidate shall be asked to read and initial each page of the
platform and sign a statement affirming he/she has read the entire platform.
The individual accepting the signed statement shall review the initialed
platform and maintain a list of those who have complied with this request.
This will become effective in the 2025 election.
We strongly encourage Republican candidates, officeholders, and Party
officials to support the Republican Party Platform and fellow Republican
candidates and officeholders. We
direct the Executive Campaign Committee to strongly consider candidates’
support of the Party platform when granting financial or other support.
Redistricting – The
Party urges the 2025 Legislature to enact fair and reasonable redistricting
bills that duly recognize existing neighborhood, and county boundaries along
with communities of interest.
Conflicts of Interest
– The Party promotes
the passing and/or strengthening of local, state and federal legislation
prohibiting the influencing or voting of any publicly elected official or
appointee in any matter for which a conflict of interest exists respecting a
personal benefit or benefit to a member of that official’s or appointee’s
Congressional Pay Raises
– The Party supports the elimination of the “independent pay
raise” committee and recommends that all pay raises must be passed like all
other bills, that the Party supports the separation of congressional pay raises
from the pay raises of all other government officials in order that they be
voted on as separate bills.
Lobbying Limitation
– The Party supports legislation to prohibit former legislators,
government employees and officials from acting as lobbyists for a foreign
government and/or any business for a period of five years immediately after
leaving public service; we support legislation to prevent lobbying by any
organization receiving federal grants except that relating to its tax status
(such as Planned Parenthood).
American English – The
Party supports the immediate adoption of American English as the official
language of Texas and of the United States of America; while encouraging fluency
in additional languages by all citizens.
Flag Desecration –
The Party views any form of desecration of the American flag as an outward act
of disregard for our nation and its people and advocates penalties for such
Right to Keep and Bear Arms
– The Party calls upon the Texas Legislature and the United States
Congress to repeal any and all laws that infringe upon the right of individual
citizens to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment to
the Unites States Constitution; and to reject the establishment of any mechanism
to process, license, record, register or monitor the ownership of guns. We
believe it is the responsibility of all gun owners to safely store and operate
their firearms.
Freedom of Access Act
– The Party supports repeal of the Freedom of Access to Clinic
Entrances law. We reaffirm our belief in our constitutional right to peaceful
protest, and we insist that assaults on peaceful protesters be prosecuted
Religion – The Party acknowledges that the church is a God–ordained
institution with a sphere of authority separate from that of civil government;
thus, churches, synagogues and other places of worship, including home Bible
study groups, should not be regulated, controlled, or taxed by any level of
civil government, including the Social Security Administration. We reclaim
freedom of religious expression in public on government property, and freedom
from governmental interference. We request the Governor to release space to
reinstate a chapel in the Texas Capitol.
Free Exercise of Religion
– The Party believes all Americans have the right to practice their religious
faith free of persecution, intimidation, and violence. We call on Congress to
sanction any country that is guilty of persecuting its citizens because of their
religious beliefs. Our Party
pledges to do everything within its power to restore the original intent of the
First Amendment of the Unites States and the concept of the separation of Church
and State and dispel the myth of the separation of Church and State.
Faith Based Opportunities
– The Party encourages the Texas Legislature to identify and develop
ways to increase the ability of faith-based institutions and community and
business organizations to assist individuals and families in need.
Electronic Privacy –
The Party believes that all citizens have the right to be free from government
surveillance of their electronic communications, including a government mandate
for trap door encryption standards. The Party also opposes any government effort
to create or implement a national ID utilizing a universal identifier.
Equality of All Citizens
– Believing all men are created equal, the Party reasserts itself as
the party of Lincoln and deplores all forms of preferences and discrimination
based upon religion, race, color, national origin, gender, age or physically
disabling condition. We also
deplore forced sensitivity training. Any
legitimate profiling must adhere to the preceding principles.
Support of Texas Law Enforcement Officers
– We urge the state of Texas to take appropriate measures to insure that
full-time TCLEOSE licensed peace officers who endanger their lives for our
safety should never earn so low a salary that they qualify for food stamps.
Prison Reform – The
Party believes that the priority of our prison systems should be the protection
of society and the punishment of offenders, ever mindful of their rights as
human beings. The state should
assist those offenders who evidence a desire for reform and prisoners should be
required to perform meaningful work. We
oppose Texas prisoners having access to private or confidential information of
any citizen of the State of Texas. We
support alternative methods of prison administration. We also support legislation prohibiting prisoners from
initiating frivolous lawsuits. We
place a high priority on Texas Department of Criminal Justice prison guards and
employees and calls upon the Texas Legislature to raise the TDCJ prison guard
and employee pay to the national average.
Sentencing Reform –
The Party calls upon the parole system to administer punishment according to the
intentions of the judges and juries who determine the sentences.
We also call for disclosure to juries of their rights and powers as
jurors as well as prior convictions of the defendant.
We also support the principle that judges and juries should be able to
set the minimum amount of time to be served in a sentence and that such minimum
time should not be altered by parole procedures.
We support the principle that those who commit crimes should pay
restitution to their victims.
Capital Punishment –
The Party believes that capital punishment, when properly applied, is a
legitimate form of punishment and an effective deterrent for the most severe and
heinous crimes. When applied,
capital punishment should be swift and unencumbered.
Juvenile Justice – The Party encourages the continuation of juvenile justice
reforms, including private sector programs, “boot” camps and trying
juveniles as adults when appropriate.
Child Abuse – The
Party recognizes that the family is a sovereign sphere of authority over which
the state has no right to intervene unless a parent or legal guardian has
committed criminal abuse. Child abusers should be prosecuted to the fullest
extent of the law; however, we oppose actions of social agencies to classify
traditional methods of discipline as child abuse.
We support requiring private agencies receiving public funds, as a
condition of receiving those funds, to comply with state laws requiring the
reporting of instances of suspected statutory rape. A person who, while committing an illegal act, injures or
kills an unborn child should be subject to criminal charges and/or civil
litigation regardless of whether the child dies in the womb or is born alive.
Sexual Assault –
The Party believes that aggravated sexual assault (forcible rape) is a heinous
crime and should be punished with a sentence of life without parole.
Dangerous Drugs – The Party recognizes that illegal drug use is dangerous
and crosses all sectors of society. We encourage the state and federal
governments to prosecute illegal drug dealers and manufacturers to the fullest
extent of the law and we call on Congress to use all means possible to
discourage the foreign manufacture and export of such drugs into our country.
Because of their higher proven rate of success, faith-based drug
rehabilitation programs should be utilized in place of incarceration whenever
possible. We oppose the movement toward the legalization of illicit drugs. We
support a strong abstinence–based drug educational program for children. We
oppose the availability of entitlement benefits based on illegal drug or alcohol
Property Seizure Without Due Process
– The Party opposes the confiscation or seizure of private property
without the benefit of due process. Furthermore, in order to discourage
institutional greed and a false sense of fiscal independence from the citizenry,
neither law enforcement agencies nor their parent organizations should be
allowed to reap any financial benefit from such seizures.
– The Party calls upon all law enforcement officials to vigorously
enforce our DUI laws.
Strengthening Families and
Promoting a Freer Society
Traditional Marriage
Marriage and Divorce – The Party believes in the sanctity of marriage and that
the integrity of this institution should be defended, protected, strengthened,
and nurtured at all levels of government. No fault divorce laws have
caused untold hardships on American families, by reducing their standard of
living, and by harming the emotional and physical well–being of children. It
has contributed to an increase in government assistance of all kinds. We call
upon the Texas Legislature to rescind no–fault divorce laws. We also oppose
the recognition of and granting of benefits to people who represent themselves
as domestic partners without being legally married. We urge the immediate
passage by the Texas Legislature the “Defense of Marriage Act”, which would
deny recognition by Texas of homosexual “unions” legitimized by other states
or nations.
Homosexuality- The Party believes that the practice of sodomy tears at the
fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit, and leads to
the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases. Homosexual behavior is contrary
to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized
by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans.
Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative”
lifestyle in our public education and policy, nor should “family” be
redefined to include homosexual “couples.”
We are opposed to any granting of special legal entitlements,
recognition, or privileges including, but not limited to, marriage between
persons of the same sex, custody of children by homosexuals, homosexual partner
insurance or retirement benefits. We oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who
oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.
Texas Sodomy Statutes- The party opposes the decriminalization of sodomy.
– The Party believes, as do the vast majority of Texans, that
pornography is repulsive, addictive and contributes to deviant criminal
behavior. It exploits men, women, and children and degrades society as a whole.
We call upon our governmental bodies to enforce existing laws regarding all
forms of pornography in our music, film, telephone, computer, video, cable,
internet, and print industries. We must have more stringent legislation to
prohibit access to pornography and sexually–oriented businesses.
Party Candidates and Partial Birth Abortion
– We urge the Republican Party of Texas to support, financially or with
in–kind contributions, only those candidates or nominees of this party who
support measures to end and criminalize “partial
birth abortions.” We urge the members of the State Republican Executive
Committee to make such changes to the by–laws of that committee to make this
action binding on the Republican Party of Texas.
Criminalization of Partial Birth Abortion
– The Party encourages passage of a federal ban on partial birth
abortion. We urge our federal
legislators to make the passages of this bill a top legislative priority in
every session.
Right To Life – All innocent human life must be respected and safeguarded from
conception to natural death; therefore, the unborn child has a fundamental
individual right to life which cannot be infringed. The Party affirms its support for a human life amendment to
the Constitution and we endorse making clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s
protection applies to unborn children. We oppose the use of public revenues
and/or facilities for abortion or abortion–related services. We support the
elimination of public funding for organizations that advocate or support
abortion. We urge the reversal of Roe v. Wade. We affirm our
support for the appointment and election of judges at all levels of the
judiciary who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent
human life. We are opposed to genocide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. We
oppose legislation allowing the withholding of nutrition and hydration to the
terminally ill or handicapped.
our final goal of total Constitutional rights for the unborn child is achieved
we urge the Texas Legislature to enact laws that restrict and regulate abortion
a) parental and informed consent;
b) prohibition of abortion for sex selection;
c) licensing, liability, and malpractice insurance for abortionists and
abortion facilities;
d) prohibition of financial kickbacks for abortion referrals;
e) prohibition of partial birth and late term abortions; and
f) enactment of any other laws which will advance the right to life for
unborn children.
Notification – The Party calls
for the electoral defeat of all judges who through raw judicial activism seek to
nullify the Parental Notification law by wantonly granting bypasses to minor
girls seeking abortions, and thereby thwart the will of the Texas Legislature
and people.
Protection of Women’s Health
– Because of the personal and social pain caused by abortions, the Party calls
for the protection of both women and their unborn children from pressure for
unwanted abortions. We call for
laws requiring abortion providers, prior to an abortion, to provide women full
knowledge of the health, surgical and psychological risks to abortion,
development of the unborn child, and abortion alternatives.
Alternatives to Abortion
– The Party commends those who provide alternatives to abortion by meeting the
needs of pregnant women and providing adoption services.
Fetal Tissue Harvesting
– The Party supports legislation prohibiting experimentation with human fetal
tissue and prohibiting the use of human fetal tissue or organs for
experimentation or commercial sale. Until such time that fetal tissue harvesting
is illegal any product containing fetal tissue shall be so labeled.
Human Cloning – Each
human life is designed by God and has purpose. The Party opposes any and all
work or experiments involved in human cloning. Furthermore, criminal penalties
should be created and experimenters prosecuted who perform such work, and no
government funding should be provided for any human cloning.
Parental Rights and Responsibilities
– The Party believes that parental rights and responsibilities
are inherent and protected by the United States Constitution. Local, state, or
federal laws, regulations or policies shall not be enacted that limit such
rights in the rearing of children, in parental authority to discipline, in the
education (public and private) of children, in the parental right to observe
their children’s public school classes, and in medical or surgical treatment
including, but not limited to, contraception and abortion without parental
knowledge, consent, and access to their children’s medical records. We
unequivocally oppose United States Senate ratification of the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child, which would transfer jurisdiction over
parental rights and responsibilities to international bureaucracies.
Support of Parental Authority
– The Party supports parental authority and the teaching of moral values in
the home. We oppose school–based clinics, whether or not they dispense condoms
and contraceptives and that refer, aid, or advise minors to have abortions.
Child Care – The
Party opposes any government regulations that will adversely affect the
availability, affordability, or the right of parents to choose child care.
Child Support and Visitation
– The Party supports improvement and equity between responsible parents in
child support, custody, and visitation, as well as the strengthening of laws
designed to protect children from abuse. No parent/grandparent should be denied
court ordered visitation because of jurisdictional disputes between states. We
also believe that non–payment of court–mandated child support payments
should be criminalized; that no homosexual or any individual convicted of child
abuse or molestation should have the right to custody or adoption of a minor
child, and that visitation with minor children by such persons should be limited
to supervised periods.
Adoption – The Party supports reducing the time, bureaucratic
interference with and cost of adoption in Texas. We support private adoption
agencies recruiting and training prospective adoptive parents and placing for
adoption all children in the foster care system of Texas who are legally free
for adoption. We support adult adoptees’ access to their original Texas birth
certificates and court records, and that birth parents be provided a mechanism,
after their child’s majority, to communicate current medical information, as
well as any desire not to be contacted. We oppose the adoption of children by
Local Control – The
Party supports the concept of choice in education and believes that quality
education is best achieved by encouragement of parental involvement and
maximizing local control of public schools. We call upon our next governor, Rick
Perry to fulfill in 2025, Gov. George W. Bush’s 1994 pledge to abolish the
regulatory authority of the Texas Education Agency and to transfer its
responsibilities to the elected State Board of Education (SBOE). We believe
district superintendents and their employees should be made solely accountable
to their locally elected boards and we support amending the Education Code to
permit recall of a school board member by a majority vote at an election
required to be held when 10 percent of the registered voters of a school
district have petitioned for such election.
State Board of Education
– The Party believes that the SBOE should remain as an elected
board. The areas of decision-making authority that were removed from the elected
SBOE, but have remained at the state level, should be restored by the Texas
Legislature to the elected SBOE. These
powers include the authority of the SBOE to hire and terminate the Commissioner
of Education, to oversee the Texas Education Agency, and to appoint state
textbook review panels. We urge
that the SBOE retain constitutional authority for the governance and oversight
of the Permanent School Fund.
Textbooks – The
Party recognizes that some Texas public school textbooks may contain not only
factual and grammatical errors, but may also present content that is blatantly
offensive or does not accurately portray our state and national heritage. We
refute the former Texas Attorney General’s decision that Texas’ elected
State Board of Education may not enact general textbook content standards
telling publishers what they shall and shall not include in public school
textbooks used in Texas. We urge the State Board of Education to seek from the
current Attorney General a second opinion on its power to do this under current
law and, if he rules against the Board, we urge the legislature to amend the
Texas Education Code to give the Board this power. We call upon the State Board
of Education to continue public hearings as a component of the textbook review
School Choice – The
Party encourages the Governor and the Texas Legislature to enact legislation
which establishes child–centered school funding options to bring about the
maximum freedom of choice in public, private, parochial, or home education. We
hold that such a system shall not be used as an excuse for any unit of
government to extend its authority over private or home schools beyond that
which currently exists in the state of Texas. We especially encourage state
leaders to enact school choice legislation to benefit children who have been
found by either federal or state anti–discrimination officials to have
suffered discrimination based on race, gender, religion or disabling condition.
We support a state constitutional amendment that prohibits state or federal
regulations imposed on private schools.
Funding of Education
– The Party urges the Texas Legislature to propose a constitutional
amendment to protect local control of school districts by requiring all school
tax revenues collected within a school district to be used within that school
district. We oppose legislative educational mandates without available state
U. S.
Department of Education
– The Party recognizes:
1) The many burdensome regulations imposed on local schools by the federal
government; 2) The failure of humanistic, value–free instruction, which denies
the existence of right or wrong and even that of the Creator in developing
responsible citizens; 3) The current re–writing of American History in which
the principles upon which this country was founded are not taught and American
heroes are portrayed in a negative light; 4) The federal emphasis on global
political interdependence and the goal of becoming “Citizens of the
World;” and 5) Federal projects of social restructuring, such as Goals 2025,
which involve real interference with parental and local control. We call for the
abolition of the U. S. Department of Education and the prohibition of the
transfer of any of its functions to any other federal agency.
Private and Home Education
– The Party believes that parents have the primary responsibility
for educating their children, and the state should not have the power to force
any parent or guardian to send their children to public school. We believe that
parents or guardians may choose to educate their children either in a private
school or at home without government interference of any type, be it through
definition, regulation, accreditation, licensing or testing. Home education has
been recognized as a legitimate educational alternative since the founding of
Texas. The courts of Texas have upheld the rights of parents to teach their
children at home (Leeper vs. Arlington) without regulation, and
the Party calls on Texas legislators to oppose any restriction or regulation of
this parental right. We call on the
Texas legislature to adopt legislation that will require enforcement of existing
truancy laws without daytime curfews. We
also call on the Texas Legislature to adopt legislation requiring UIL to open
participation to private schools and move back to the original mission of the
UIL to pursue those activities for the betterment of all the students of Texas.
Sex Education – The
Party recognizes parental responsibility and authority regarding sex education.
We support the requirement that schools teaching sex education must teach
directive abstinence until heterosexual marriage with an uninfected person as
the only safe and healthy means of preventing sexually transmitted diseases, the
spread of AIDS, and pregnancies in unwed students, and is also a way to build
strong and lasting relationships. Sex education classes, if conducted, should be
separated by sex and must teach that the use of condoms does not make sex safe.
We support policies that mandate parents must be notified before any sex
education course or program is implemented, and they must be given an
opportunity to review the material and give their consent.
Early Childhood Development
– The Party opposes programs designed to bring about a
comprehensive, taxpayer–funded, federally–controlled and regulated system of
educational, psychological, and physical development for all children (such as
Early Childhood Development and Parents as Teachers). We also oppose a
centralized record keeping system of student information on a national level.
Classroom Discipline
– The Party recognizes that peace and order are prerequisites for an
environment conducive to education for both the student and the teacher. We
therefore recommend that local school boards and classroom teachers be given
more authority to deal with disciplinary problems. Corporal punishment should be
used when appropriate and we encourage the legislature to strengthen existing
immunity laws, respecting corporal punishment. We urge the Texas Legislature,
Governor, Commissioner of Education and State Board of Education to remind
administrators and school boards that corporal punishment is effective and legal
in Texas.
Support for Classroom Teachers
– The Party continues to support quality education by:
recognizing the need to
maintain and attract competent professional teachers in the classrooms of Texas
public schools so that every student will receives the best possible education;
recognizing the need
for teacher involvement in educational planning and program development for the
betterment of education at the local level;
recognizing the need to
minimize administrative reports and excessive paperwork;
supporting spending the
majority of school education funds for teacher salaries and those needs which
directly relate to education;
supporting teacher
incentives through monetary and recognition rewards established at the local
empowering teachers and
administrators to remove disruptive students from a classroom or campus for a
first–time offense.
funding teacher salary
increases by reductions in administrative personnel; and
including teacher in
the state employee insurance program
Traditional Values in Education
– The Party opposes faculty in public institutions abusing their
positions to manipulate students to reject traditional American religious,
moral, political, and economic values. We support a character education
curriculum and a program based upon biblical principles upon which our nation
and state law system were founded.
Multiculturalism – The
Party supports the voluntary competitive study of all cultures that have created
the heritage of the American culture. We oppose ideologically enforced political
correctness in the institutions of American society that eliminate the free
expression of ideas. We oppose the
ideology of multiculturalism that emphasizes differences between racial, ethnic
and gender groups leading to a conflict of loyalties and a weakening of a common
American identity.
Basic Standards –
The Party believes the educational system should return to the basic standards
which include a curriculum of reading (with an emphasis on phonics), spelling,
writing, penmanship, literature (including at least one year historical surveys
in high school of American literature and of British literature), mathematics,
geography, history, (including a high school United States history course that
includes all of United States history – currently only history since
Reconstruction is covered) and studies that must include the Texas and U. S.
Constitution and Declaration of Independence,
science, English, citizenship and federal, state and local government. To
this end, we urge the Governor, the Texas Education Agency and the State Board
of Education reconsider their previous hasty adoption of Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), and incorporate the nationally acclaimed solid
English Language Arts/Reading (ELA/R) academic standards of the Texas
Alternative Document (TAD) into our state’s formal education standards. We
support immediate revision of the ELA/R TEKS to make them grade-level specific
at each grade level, as in the TAD. Further
we call upon the Governor and Texas Legislature to oppose the implementation of
curriculums which center on subjective feelings and attitudes, such as
Outcome–Based–Education (OBE) or programs that neglect students’ academic
skills, such as School–to–Work and Goals 2025.
We deplore the inordinate amount of time being forced upon teachers for
state-mandated standardized test preparation to the detriment of basic academic
Social Promotion – The
Party supports Governor Bush’s effort to end social promotion in Texas’
public schools. We believe the school children of Texas should master basic,
minimum skills before advancing to the next grade level.
School–to–Work (“America’s Goals”)–
The Party finds that while education is necessary to freedom, the
School–to–Work program gives up on education in favor of training a docile
workforce. While we are for a strong workforce and progressive business, and
support vocational training where appropriate, we strongly oppose a system of
education such as School–to–Work which:
forces children to
select a lifelong career pathway from the Workforce Development Board’s
limited list as a condition of credit for graduation;
replaces the
traditional academics–based diploma with a vocation–based Certificate of
Initial Mastery which will be required from all public, private and home
schooled children for employment; and
replaces the role of state and local governance in education with federal
authority and un–elected entities.
components of the School–to–Work infrastructure have already been
implemented by our Governor and Texas Legislature. We call upon our legislators
to replace School–to–Work and related outcome or performance–based
educational programs with knowledge-based educational programs and end-of-course
testing that emphasize mastery of subject matter content.
School Surveys and Testing
– The Party believes that public schools should be required to
obtain written parental consent for student participation in any test or
questionnaire that surveys beliefs or opinions in the areas of sexual activity,
religion, political persuasion or other areas of morality. Public schools should
be required to allow parental viewing of any test or materials to which their
children are exposed.
Bilingual Education
– The Party believes the majority of bilingual education programs in
Texas have not proven to be successful and should be replaced with the immersion
method or a combination of the existing English as a Second Language (ESL) and
immersion methods.
Religion and Secular Humanism
– The Party affirms President Lincoln’s quote: “It is the duty
of nations, as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power
of God and to recognize the sublime truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and
proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the
Since Secular Humanism is recognized by the United States Supreme
Court as a religion, and our government–funded schools are prohibited from
teaching any religion, the Party believes that Secular Humanism and New Age
Religion in any form should be subjected to the same state and federal laws as
any other recognized religion. We support the return of Bibles and other
religious books to the shelves of all public schools and libraries.
Scientific Theories
– The Party believes that scientific topics, such as the question of
universe and life origins and environmental theories, should not be constrained
to one opinion or viewpoint. We support the teaching equally of scientific
strengths and weaknesses of all scientific theories--as Texas now requires (but
has yet to enforce) in public school science course standards. We urge revising
all environmental education standards to require this also.
We support individual teachers’ right to teach creation science in
Texas public schools.
Pledge of Allegiance in Public Schools
– The Party believes that students should be led in the Pledge of
Allegiance, the Texas pledge and patriotic songs on a daily basis so as to
ensure that the loyal and patriotic spirit of Texas and of America’s past is
preserved and passed on to our children.
Religious Freedom in Public Schools
– Our Founding Fathers based the premise of this nation on
God–given rights endowed by our Creator. The Party urges school administrators
and officials to inform Texas school students specifically of their First
Amendment rights to pray and engage in religious speech, individually or in
groups, on school property without government interference. We support and
strongly urge Congress to pass a Religious Freedom Amendment which provides:
“Neither the United States nor any State shall prohibit student–sponsored
prayer in public schools, nor compose any official student prayer or compel
joining therein.” We urge the
Texas Legislature to pass legislation similar to the American Heritage Education
Acts passed in Kentucky, Indiana, and other states, which end censorship of the
discussion of the role of religion in our founding documents, and encourage
reading and discussing those documents in our public schools.
Higher Education –
The Party reaffirms its support of local and regional institutions of higher
learning (public, private and parochial). We recognize their commitment to the
education of our students and their research leading to breakthroughs that
benefit Texas directly and indirectly. We also recognize them as academic
magnets that draw technologically–advanced industry to Texas. We support a tax deduction for college or vocational
education in addition to the standard deduction for dependents. We encourage the
Texas Legislature to comply with the Texas Eminent Scholarship Fund, requiring
the state to match the investment income earned on monies contributed.
We advocate a single standard for college admission for all students
based on merit, and ability without regard to the school from which they
graduated or class standing.
Adult Literacy –
The Party believes that the best defense of a free society is an educated public
and encourages all efforts in adult education and literacy.
Empowering Families to Direct
their Health Care
Health Care Choice – The Party believes that health care is not primarily a
concern of the federal government. We desire adequate health care for all
Texans. We believe that no Texan should be denied health care solely because of
age, race, physical or mental disability. We affirm that health care choice is
primarily a matter of personal liberty, and we oppose any government regulation
which restricts a patient’s choice of health care provider or prevents a
health care provider from serving both private and public sectors.
We urge the expansion of Medical Savings Accounts.
Health Care and Nutritional Supplements
– The Party supports market–based, private sector initiatives to
improve the portability, quality and affordability of health care. We support
consumer choice of providers. We deplore any efforts to mandate that vitamins
and other natural supplements be on a prescription–only basis, and we oppose
any efforts to remove vitamins and other nutritional supplements from public
sale. We support the rights of all Texas adults to have the unfettered choice to
use nutritional and dietary supplement products. We strongly favor legislation recognizing legitimate
alternative health care choices.
AIDS / HIV – The
Party recognizes that AIDS and HIV infection represent one of the greatest
threats to human health in the history of mankind. We view with compassion all
people infected with HIV. We call for appropriate research to find a cure for
the disease and ask that the government give full disclosure of the causes.
However, because AIDS represents such a severe threat to both the health and
economic well–being of our citizens, we insist that the epidemic be
de–politicized and that as a society, we take all appropriate steps to protect
our citizens from this epidemic. All people, no matter what disease they may
contract, are worthy of deep respect as humans. We should, however, love them
enough to tell them the truth: Behavior has personal and social consequences. We
call upon the United States Public Health Service and all states to declare HIV
a “dangerous, infectious, communicable disease.” It should be legally
reported in the same manner as any communicable disease.
Americans with Disabilities Act
– The Party supports amendment of the Americans with Disabilities
Act to exclude from its definition those persons with infectious diseases,
substance addiction, learning disabilities, and behavior disorders and thereby
reducing abuse of the Act.
School Health Care –
The Party calls upon Texas legislators to prohibit reproductive health care
services or counseling in or through the public schools. We also oppose the use
of any tax dollars for any program (i.e., Texas Commission on Children and
Youth, Education for Self Responsibility, Education 2025, etc.) which teaches or
legitimizes pre–marital sexual activity and birth control, abortion, and
homosexuality, and which elevates the rights of students to make sexual and
health care decisions to a level equal to their parents.
We support the parents’ right to choose which vaccines are administered
to their minor children.
Assisting Families to Self
Welfare Reform –
The Party believes that the State of Texas should continue to take steps to
reduce the number of people on welfare and state welfare spending by enacting
tough welfare reforms. We believe the current welfare system encourages
dependency on government and robs individuals of their motivation and
self–esteem. We support welfare reforms designed to break the cycle of
dependency by requiring welfare recipients to work, learn, or train in exchange
for their benefits. We believe that welfare benefits to the able–bodied should
be limited to a period not to exceed two years. We call for welfare rolls to be
checked against all prison population rolls nationwide and any prisoners should
be removed from the welfare rolls while they are incarcerated. We support the
elimination of increased benefits for welfare mothers who have additional
children while on welfare. We urge the office of the Attorney General to
continue its stepped up efforts to collect child support owed for children on
welfare, and to consider privatization of child support collection in Texas.
TDPRS Accountability – The
Party supports the appointment of local citizen review boards to review charges
of abuse of discretion by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory
Services with respect to intervention into the family unit.
Homeless and Poverty Stricken
– It should be the responsibility of the
local community to assure adequate and efficient care of those persons who,
through no fault of their own or their family, cannot care for themselves. The
Party encourages private groups to use their own creativity and initiative to
explore private alternatives to government assistance.
Social Security – The Party supports an orderly transition to a system of
private pensions based on the concept of individual retirement accounts, and
gradually phasing out the Social Security tax. We recommend making Social
Security benefits non–taxable. To protect the Social Security system, its
funds should not be co–mingled or spent with general revenues or invested in
private or public corporate stock. To protect freedom and privacy, government
and private institutions should not require Social Security numbers as ID.
Application for Social Security numbers should not be required before the age of
Government–Sponsored Gambling – The Party continues to oppose government–sponsored gambling as a
means of financing state government. Government–sponsored gambling has had a
devastating impact on many Texas families. Moreover, we oppose any further
legalization, government facilitation, or financial guarantees relating to any
type of gambling including casino, riverboat, slot machine, video keno, and
other games of chance.
Strengthening The Economy Of
Texas And America
Federal Tax Reform – The Party believes tax rates and total taxes are too
high and the present tax reporting and collection system in onerous.
We support fundamental tax reform, including such measure as cutting
individual tax rates, the elimination of the marriage penalty tax and the death
(inheritance) tax, and elimination of capital gains and corporate income taxes.
We urge that the IRS be abolished and the Sixteenth Amendment to the
United States Constitution be repealed. A
constitutional tax, collected and controlled by the States, must generate
sufficient revenue for the legitimate tasks of the national government; however,
tax reform will work best if accompanied concurrently with a meaningful spending
reform, with a provision that a two-thirds majority of the United States House
and United States Senate is required to raise taxes.
State Tax Reform – The Party strongly urges the forthcoming session of the
legislature to pass no new taxes or any tax increase. We also support the repeal
of the state franchise tax.
Hidden Taxes and Tax Visibility
– The Party believes every tax at every level should be a separate and clearly
visible billing to the taxpayer regardless of the tax type or calculation
Economic Prosperity Tort/Civil Justice Reform
– The Party strongly supports continuation of comprehensive, common sense tort
reform that puts justice back in our civil justice system.
It is time to take back our legal system to protect decent, honest
Americans with real grievances. We
support abolishing “joint and several liability” that forces people to pay
for damages they did not cause. We
support “loser pay” for frivolous lawsuits and oppose the contracting or
funding by government with outside plaintiffs to sue legitimate businesses and
class action lawsuits where a disproportionate amount of any class recovery is
received by the lawyers.
Right–to–Work – The Party believes an individual should have the freedom to
work in the job he or she desires without being forced to join or pay dues to
any organization. The Texas Right–to–Work Law, while providing this freedom,
also has provided a good climate for industrial expansion, higher employment,
and a stable management–labor relationship. We oppose any national legislation
that would restrict or limit the Right-to-work.
Small Business – The Party urges Texas legislators to find new ways to mitigate
the impact of government regulations on small businesses and to insure that
small businesses are adequately represented in the regulatory process.
Workers Compensation – The Party calls on our Texas legislators to resist any
efforts to make Worker’s Compensation mandatory for all Texas employers.
Minimum Wage – The Party believes the minimum wage law should be repealed.
Comparable Worth – The Party believes in the concept of equal pay for equal work,
but we oppose legislation enforcing “comparable worth” and request Texas
legislators and the Governor to avoid the commissioning of a Job Evaluation
Study, which would lead to the development of a wage–adjusting bureaucracy.
Home Industries – The Party supports the removal of unreasonable legal and
economic barriers to home–based work enabling anyone who chooses to work out
of the home.
Rural Fire Departments
– The Party calls upon the Texas Commission on Fire Protection to recognize
the need for and contributions of rural fire departments and to refrain from
limiting their effectiveness by imposing unreasonable and unfounded mandates
upon them.
Fiscal Responsibility – The Party urges our state and federal legislators to
exercise fiscal responsibility by reducing spending and cutting taxes. We
endorse the appointment of a Texas Grace Commission—a panel of Texas citizens
and business owners—to identify cost savings and reductions in state
Government Services – The Party supports maximizing privatization of most
government services. Public money
or public powers should not be used to fund or implement any private projects
such as high–speed rail or sports stadiums.
Balanced Budget – The Party supports full disclosure of all “on” and
“off” budget spending. We demand that our federal legislators vote only for
balanced budgets. Social Security should be taken off budget. In case of a
budget surplus it should never be used to increase spending, but rather to pay
off debt or be returned to the United States taxpayer.
Waste and Fraud in Government Contracts
– The Party is opposed to waste and fraud in government contracts and
recommends that the Attorney General of the United States investigate fraud and
misuse of government funds in government contracts prosecuting those found to be
responsible. We also believe that all government contracts should be awarded
only on the merits of the bidders’ ability to produce the quality of the
product or service performed at a reasonable cost. We also support the repeal of
the Davis Bacon Act. We encourage the government to follow fair business
Business Subsidies – The Party urges the cessation of subsidies. We support
movement toward a free market economy, both domestically and internationally.
Downsizing the Federal Government –
The Party supports the downsizing of the federal government in order to
reestablish states’ rights guaranteed by the 10th Amendment of the
United States Constitution. We further support the abolition of federal agencies
involved in activities not delegated to the federal government under the
original intent of the Constitution including, but not limited to, the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the position of Surgeon General, the
Environmental Protection Agency, the Departments of Energy, Housing and Urban
Development, Health and Human Services, Education, Commerce and Labor. These
authorities should be eliminated or, where needed, transferred to the state or
local governments. We also call for the de-funding and abolition of the National
Endowment for the Arts.
Sunset Laws – The Party supports a mandatory Sunset Law for the state of
Texas that would automatically terminate all agencies or programs if they are
not reenacted by the legislature every ten years.
We also support the establishment of a sunset policy for federal agencies
patterned after the Texas Sunset Law.
Unfunded Mandates – The effect of mandating services without funding is a
tax increase for local government. The Party opposes all unfunded mandates by
the federal and state governments.
Support of the Domestic Energy Industry
– The foundation of our National Energy Strategy must be a
competitive domestic oil and gas industry. Federal tax and regulatory policies
are destroying the independent sector of this industry. Regulation and rule
making must be done on a cooperative, rather than an adversarial basis,
preserving jobs and the economy while promoting environmental preservation. The
Party encourages the Congress to (1) aggressively support a greatly expanded use
of domestic natural gas as a method to reduce United States dependence on
foreign crude oil; (2) repeal all provisions of the alternative minimum tax that
treat intangible drilling costs as a tax preference item; (3) stop the
promulgation of unnecessary environmental legislation or regulation that causes
domestic production to be economically not feasible; and (4) support the
technological development of environmentally safe uses of coal for our national
energy needs.
Alternative Energy Sources
– The Party recognizes the value of alternative energy sources and
supports continued private research and development of such sources, including
space based solar power, but we
oppose the federal government using hazardous waste as an alternative energy
source, such as the processing and or reprocessing of plutonium and uranium for
making mixed oxide fuels in agricultural areas and above major water sources.
Worldwide Representative Government
– The Party supports the worldwide movement away from Communism and
toward representative government based on the premise that human rights come
from God and governments are established to protect these rights.
We support emerging republics in developing governments deriving their
just powers from their citizens, and support efforts to assist in leading the
way in furthering the growth of the republican form of government throughout the
world. We support any means of
private and humanitarian aid to such developing governments.
We oppose the export of federal aid to countries committing human rights
Foreign Policy –
The Party supports the spread of a representative form of government and a free
market enterprise by supplying the expertise needed to developing nations.
We also support and encourage private and humanitarian aid to developing
countries. However, we oppose the
unlimited export of our public monies.
National Defense –
The Party continues to encourage and support: 1) funding for a strong national
defense, which guarantees maintaining a military which stands ready to defend
our nation 2) the immediate funding and development of the Strategic Defense
Initiative, 3) the disengagement from countries in which we have no clear
national defense interest, 4) the abandonment of the Anti-Ballistic Missile
Support of Our Armed Forces
– The Party salutes those who serve in all branches of our armed
forces and encourages all Americans to support these men and women.
Our armed forces should be paid a sufficient wage to prevent them from
ever being eligible for, or in need of, food stamp assistance.
In support of our armed forces, we encourage 1) that all United States
forces remain under the command and control of only the Commander-in-Chief and
American officers and commanders, 2) the disqualification from service of
homosexuals, 3) the immediate discharge from service of HIV positive
individuals, 4) the exclusion of women from combat roles, 5) the restoration of
congressional authority to deploy troops, 6) members of our armed forces retain
their freedom to refuse vaccines not certified as safe by the FDA & the
Surgeon General, 7) restoration of full military honors for the burial of
deceased veterans, 8) restoration of all veteran benefits including retirement
pay and disability pay, without receipt of one precluding receipt of the other,
as well as, appropriate medical and dental care, 9) separation of men and women
in basic training as is the practice of the Marine Corps, 10) not requiring
members of United States forces to wear any item of uniform other than that of
the United States or being required to serve in any capacity under an officer of
the United Nations or other foreign state.
United Nations –
The Party believes it is in the best interest of the citizens of the United
States that we immediately rescind our membership in, as well as all financial
and military contributions to, the United Nations. We support House Resolution 1146, “The American Sovereignty
Preservation Act” which would remove the United States entirely from the
control of the U.N. We demand that
Congress ratify no ambiguous treaties that compromise the United States
Constitution, immediately recall our military forces from U.N. initiated
engagements, direct or indirect U.N. control, and restore them to their
traditional mission of defending the liberty and freedom of the people of the
United States of America. We
support an amendment to the united States Constitution stating “a treaty that
conflicts with any provisions of the Constitution shall not be of any force or
effect”. We condemn any attempt
by the federal government or the U.N. to directly or indirectly tax United
States citizens for U.N. support. We
urge Congress to resist U.N. control of any United States land or natural
resources. We adamantly oppose the
use of Presidential Executive Orders to implement U.N. Treaties thereby
circumventing our elected congress. We
urge Senators Gramm and Hutchison to unalterably oppose any agreement or Treaty
that seeks to establish an International Criminal Court, make the United States
a participatory party to such a court, recognize the jurisdiction of such a
court within the United States or upon any native-born or naturalized citizen of
the United States. We oppose
payment of any debt allegedly owed to the U.N, and we demand credit for peace
keeping forces provided on behalf of the U.N.
We oppose a U.N. resolution that would force the United States to adopt
gun control measures by Treaty. We
deplore the placement of the U.N. flag and emblem on public property or in
government facilities.
Monetary Fund – The
Party urges Congress to stop funding the IMF because the IMF props up foreign
tyrants and gives American taxpayers’ money to international bankers.
Trade – The Party favors fair and reciprocal trade in the international
market place for our agricultural products, oil and gas, any other raw materials
and manufactured goods. We urge the use of import quotas of foreign products
like those used by former President Ronald Reagan to protect the
Harley–Davidson motorcycle, steel and machine tools and computer chip
industries from “dumping” by foreign powers. Likewise, we urge sanctions
against the European Union and other nations that disrupt free trade by
subsidizing agricultural exports or other goods to the United States. We support
business opportunity and oppose President Clinton’s advocacy of intrusive
government–industry partnerships based on Japanese and European models. We
urge the repeal of NAFTA and GATT and withdrawal from membership in the WTO.
We believe that we should call for the immediate withdrawal of the United
States from any agreements that compromise national sovereignty, independence,
self-sufficiency and national security.
Foreign Military Bases on American Soil
– The Party deplores the existence of a foreign military base on
American soil. For the first time in our country’s history, we have turned
over our territory to the sovereignty of another nation. We oppose relinquishing
United States supremacy to any foreign power on United States soil.
One World Government Organizations
– A one world government is in direct opposition to the basic
principles of the United States of American eroding our sovereignty and our
goals for leadership in world affairs.
Immigration – The
Party believes that one responsibility of government is to secure our nation’s
borders. We support: 1) returning
immigration quotas to traditional levels in practice prior to 1965 of 300,000
per year or less, including asylees and refugees, 2) expeditious hearing on
deporting non-violent illegal aliens held in prisons or jails, 3) reclaiming
control of international borders, 4) screening immigrants for communicable
diseases, including HIV, 5) the amendment of the Immigration and Naturalization
Act of 1952 to grant birthright citizenship only to the newborn of citizens of
the United States of America or permanent legal residents, and Congressional
oversight of federal agencies to follow-up over-stayed visas, 6) Encourage the
assimilation of immigration in to the American culture, 7) Congress providing
for an end to the practice of “chain migration”, and 8) we oppose any
further “amnesties” for illegal aliens.
We oppose: 1) federally-imposed requirements on the state regarding
the care of illegal aliens including the extension to illegal aliens the
benefits of public education, non-emergency medical care, and welfare including
Social Security and SSI payments, 2) a national tracking system for control of
immigration (or any other purpose), and 3) participation in any election by
illegal aliens.
Border Protection
– The Party believes that Congress should adequately staff and fund
the United States Border Patrol to protect our borders and our Border Patrol
MIA’s and POW’s –
The Party urges the President and Congress to continue all measures necessary to
seek and act upon all information concerning our Missing in Action and Prisoners
of War. We oppose the extension of normal trade relations with Vietnam or any
nation before they support a full and complete accounting for all missing
American service personnel.
Panama Canal – The
Party urges Congress to support HJR 77, the Panama and America Security Act,
which declare the Carter-Torrijos Treaty null and void. We support re-establishing United States control over the
Canal in order to retain our military bases in Panama, to preserve our right to
transit through the Canal, and to prevent the establishment of Chinese missile
bases in Panama.
Taiwan – The
Party recognizes Taiwan as a long time ally of the United States and as an
independent and sovereign nation. In order to support its self–defense, we
call upon Congress to support the “Taiwan Security Enhancement Act.”
China – The Party strongly recommends the removal of Communist
China’s “Most Favored Nation” status, now called “permanent Normal Trade
relations,” until such time when: 1) there is a formal peace treaty between
North and South Korea; 2) there is significant improvement in their government
policies on human rights; 3) there is freedom of religion; 4) it ceases its
aggressive behavior toward its neighbors; 5)
it ceases transferring nuclear, biological, and chemical technology to Iran,
Pakistan, and North Korea, etc., and 6) it ceases to occupy a position along the
Panama Canal in any fashion. We
further urge the imposition of trade sanctions against communist China for
interfering in United States political campaigns.
Cuba – The Party supports strengthening the Cuban embargo. We
urge Congress to continue to defend human rights for Cubans and to not prop up
Dictator Fidel Castro.
Middle East – The
Party believes that the United States and Israel share a special long–standing
relationship based on shared values, a mutual commitment to our republican form
of government, and a strategic alliance that benefits both nations. Our foreign
policy in the Middle East should reflect the special nature of this relationship
through continued military and economic assistance to Israel and recognition
that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and should remain an undivided city
accessible to people of all faiths. We commend the Republican Congress’
resolution to move the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel’s
capital, Jerusalem. We commend Israel’s privatization of state–owned
companies and budget cuts in order to achieve its goal of economic independence.
We encourage the Republican Congress’ continuing support for peace talks
between Israel and the Palestinians. We oppose pressuring Israel to make
concessions it believes would jeopardize its security. We support continued
sanctions against Iran as long as they continue in their terrorist activities
and are on the State Department’s terrorist list.
Defense – America
had a strong, grassroots–based civilian defense system with county level
volunteers and local leadership from the World War I era until the establishment
of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Now local civil defense
coordinators have been replaced with federally–controlled emergency management
coordinators. The priority has changed from “defending” the citizens in an
emergency to “managing” the citizens. The Party supports the restoration of
our civil defense system. A non–partisan effort should be made to organize
communication and emergency response training for citizens to assist in times of
emergency, and the local county government should appoint a civilian defense
coordinator. Elected county officials should be in charge of decisions affecting
the local community.
of Police – The
Party applauds the efforts of peace officers who maintain public order with
minimal use of force. We oppose the federalization and militarization of local
police forces, for example wearing black uniforms and/or army boots and
NASA – The Party supports continued appropriate funding for
NASA, the Texas Aerospace Commission and the continuation of the International
Space Station, as long as the funding does not cause competition with a private
sector company, with the long-term goal of inexpensive and reliable access to
space for commercial development and human settlement.
Patent Rights – The
Party supports protecting our inventors and supports maintaining our current
patent laws.
Minority Report Concerning the Plank Entitled “Federal Tax Reform”
support a motion to strike the plank entitled “Federal Tax Reform” in
the Permanent Committee Platform as adopted, and substitute the 1998 RPT
Platform plank entitled “Federal Tax Reform”, as follows:
Tax Reform – The
Party urges that the IRS be abolished and the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution be repealed. We
further urge that the personal income tax, inheritance (death) tax, gift tax,
capitol gains, corporate income tax and payroll taxes be eliminated.
We recommend the implementation of a national retail sales tax, with the
provision that a two-thirds majority of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate is
required to raise the rate. Such
reforms will encourage investment and economic growth.
Lastly, such a sales tax plan must ensure no one in America pays taxes of
any kind on the necessities of like, ensuring opportunity and quality of life
for low and fixed income Americans.”
SD2 Mark Rice
SD11 Kathy Haigler
SD17 Jo Howard
SD7 K. Allan Davis
SD13 James J. Graham
SD12 Michele Quinones
SD1 Neal Frey
SD10 Skip Leake
Report Concerning the Plank Entitled “School Choice”
seem like the answer to our educational problems in America.
But after further study, it becomes apparent that government funds will
certainly bring with them government regulations.
We oppose vouchers because we oppose the regulations they inevitably
entail, such as those which were included in Texas Senate Bill 10 which passed
out of the Senate Committee during the Texas Legislative Session.
One of these regulations is random selection, which means you pick a name
by lottery. The private schools
lose the ability to screen their applicants.
There was also a mandatory inclusion of at-risk students.
The private schools would not be able to keep out students with a history
of criminal activities, pregnancy, drugs, homosexual activity, behavior
problems, or failing grades.
Bill 10 also requires TAAS testing. This
is an offensive test that parents cannot view prior to testing.
It is based on the (TEKS) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.
These are vague, politically correct workforce-centered standards that do
not include a mastery of the basic skills.
were some costly requirements in Senate Bill 10 such as mandatory bi-lingual
education, mandatory special education, state certification of all teachers, and
very likely a tax hike too cover the cost of the two education systems.
were also very invasive open records requirements. The school must open students’ records for review
concerning test scores, discipline records, attendance roles, socio-economic
data of parents, and the financial records of the school.
conclusion, because vouchers will bring regulation into private schools, and
Senate Bill 10 is an example of these regulations, we bring more than 20% of the
Platform Committee, sign this minority report.
The vote was 22 for and 10 against the plank entitled “School
Shirley Spellerberg
Alan Gardenhire
Neal Frey
2 Mark Rice
P.J. Lemons
George Clay, IV
Michele Quinones
Clint Sterry
Lynn Wilson