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Date: Tue, 25 May 1999
13:03:30 -0700 (PDT) From: PUORI@aol.com Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 16:14:13 EDT Subject: Great site Why doesn't anyone mention the fact that Wyuh got elected to his first term as governor of Texas with money provided by the NRA and promising to pass the "right to carry" law in Texas. Which he did. Where was everyone when LaPierre was on TV bragging about how many governors they had put into place and how many more they were going to get???? This is a great issue to bring forward at this particular time. He got reelected because he had no real competition. As a great,great grandaughter of one of the 300 colonists of Texas I am not impressed by the Bush clan. I guess they prove if you have enough rich backers, you can get rich yourself and buy an office. From: "Mountaineer Productions" Subject: Bush Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 06:56:50 -0700 As a Canadian citizen, I was appalled by Bush on his handling of a Canadian that was on death row. Canadian and American politicians tried to appeal to Bush with no avail. I feel his actions on this is not good policy and that his political ambitions have come to a cost to other people, some with their lives. I don't think a President with this type of history will be welcome in Canada. From: davidkirkpatrick@cybertek.com Date: Mon, 24 May 99 14:06:00 -0500 Subject: RE: More information for gwbush.com Dear Roy and Liz, I am sorry that I have not back to you sooner. I am one of several supporters of Darlie Lynn Routier who is currently on Texas' Death Row. You may want to take a look at her website. It is http://www.fordarlieroutier.org/. All of us that support Darlie are absolutely sure of her innocence. Many of us have written Governor Bush to take an honest look at Darlie's case, and have in all cases gotten a very callous reply from one of his subordinates. I have gotten three letters from a Shirley M. Green that apparently works for Governor Bush. We have been very troubled by Governor Bush's attitude about the death penalty. He seemed to be very happy to have Karla Faye Tucker executed last year to show that Texas will execute women too. This year he has lobbied against a bill that would exclude the mentally challenged (I.Q. less that 65) from the death penalty. Most troubling of all to us is the execution of David Wayne Spence last year. DNA evidence was produced by Brian Pardo prior to Mr. Spence's execution, that proved that David Wayne Spence to be innocent of the murder. Governor Bush allowed the execution to proceed. It is a cinch bet that Jim Motox put Governor Bush in a political hot box when Governor Bush was forced to commute the sentence of Henry Lee Lucas. Your website does a marvelous job of satirizing Governor Bush's positions on issues. I am sure you are much better at putting the right satirical bite in it. It might say something like Governor Bush is for a death penalty where the state does not discriminate even for innocence. That does seem to be his position. Dave Kirkpatrick From: cartwrt@american.edu Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 15:58:40 -0400 Subject: Your web-site is misleading To whoever maintains the "Presidential Exploratory Committee" site: You should be a bit more honest about your site and post a disclaimer specifically stating that you are NOT speaking for the Bush campaign. Otherwise, somebody might be misled into thinking that you do. I'm sure that you wouldn't want that would you? After all that would be a dishonest. Subject: I don't think your site looks anything like the "official" one Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 13:25:07 -0700 Why the picture is different, the words are more action-oriented, and I like your choice of color. Thanks so much for publicizing this stuff, authorized or not. I always did kind of wonder about the oil connections in the Bush family. Hopefully, he'll face these allegations head-on, and reveal a bit of the true underbelly of politicians... From: "Chris Warden" Subject: Purposeful Misrepresentation Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 22:02:50 -0700 I vigorously support your right to free speech and celebrate that we live in a country where all opinions can be part of the political discourse. Unfortunately, your methods speak more to misrepresentation. The banner of your site is misleading. It misrepresents both your intentions and affiliations. This seems to be very purposeful and fundamental to your design. Your arguments, regardless of validity, loss credibility due to your blatant lack of ethics. I am not a supporter of Mr. Bush, but I endorse his campaigns move to have you be responsible. You should either close this site or change your design to reflect your true intentions. I am a bite embarrassed, since my first reaction to news stories had me automatically suspect fowl play on the behalf of his campaign. It is clear after having my own viewing, the intentional fowl play is yours. It is unfortunate that you discredit to such great degree news that may be of vast importance. Chris Warden San Francisco, CA Subject: Thank You Date: 24 May 99 09:12:20 -0500 Thanks for creating this site as it serves a great purpose of keeping us all informed. Don't let ol' Bush push ya around on this one either and don't let him purchase this site as he did last week with other sites. He would like to purchase anything that gets in his way of an election and if he could he would purchase the election itself! Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 10:21:31 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Financial Gain I feel as a concearned citizen that what you are doing here is an injustice to the American Democratic way of life. It is people such as yourself that sit around make money instead of making a difference that are the root of all evil in America today. Just because the Bush committe did not want to purchase your domain name, is not just cause to trash a greatmans reputation. It is people like you sir that cause our problems. If you feel the need to play with your web toys, try doing something constructive with you resources. I truly think you are an uneducated fool with too much money and time on your hands. Maybe you should try volunteering with less fortunate childreen or something of that nature. Your boguss website is wrong and should be taken down. You sir are acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum because you could not get your $350000 for your domain. Good Day To You May God Lead You In The Right Direction. Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 17:12:31 +0000 Subject: style Nice job! A little heavy-handed in places, but you can probably keep a lot of people going for quite a while. From: mogar@concentric.net Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 13:06:13 -0400 Subject: George Dubya Rules! Dear Govornor Bush: I'm thrilled to finally find an honest politician. The frank admission of your frequent use of cocaine (no wonder why you always are so chipper!) is refreshing. You are a candidate I can get behind! -Your devoted friend P.S.- The Mrs. es muy bonita! P.P.S.- heh Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 11:05:49 -0400 Subject: You obviously have too much time on your hands. Fools, I have never seen such an idiotic website devoted to trashing an individual in all of my web surfing experiences. I really hope you don't think that this will fool anyone. [Editor's note: No, we certainly don't.] From: michaelsheridan@mindspring.com Subject: Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 08:10:54 -0000 Dear gwbush.com I love your site. I think George W. is sexy and would appreciate you giving him more "exposure". If any rumored photographs of George revealing his true compassionate nature on a tabletop at soriety become available, please post them on your website. Also, please notify when your t-shirts become available for sale! Your Truly, Compassionate in CO Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 15:20:20 -0400 From: "John Wirth" Subject: Florida's Bush Boy have we learned here in Florida what a Bush can do. Good ole Jeb is doing everything he can to turn the clock back on the rights of the people. He passed a bill allowing people with concealed weapons to come into the state easier as well as making it possible for more people to get the permit. He passed a school voucher that works for the "rich" people again. People beware, look what's ahead if this clown gets elected. What's to say Jeb doesn't find a place as well. Didn't we learn from George Sr as president? How could we even think of another? Wait until GWB's back ground is looked into, there will be more than he can handle, want to bet Larry Flynt already has plenty? JWWirth Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 22:28:15 -0500 Subject: Interesting... A lot of allegations are unfounded and without proof. It is unfortunate how you choose to lobby. In my personal and political views, your site promotes Bullshit. Thank you for your time. From: CWRULaw02@aol.com Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 17:47:54 EDT Subject: (no subject) This is rich. I do not much enjoy satire, but this site is getting so much publicity I had to see for myself what all the hoopla was about. I love it! You have the attention of Bush himself and prompted him to say something as ridiculous as "There should be a limit on free speech." For those of us who have been undecided to this point, his ridiculous comment on a website has made the alternatives look much better. Thanks for the fun. From: "daryl hykel" Subject: Your Folly.... Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 14:42:41 PDT Mr. Sirs: With plenty of political folly to go around amongst the various presidential candidates, it is curious that your group would pick the GOP front-runner as the target of your barbs. While news reports says you are a group of "concerned citizens" targeting "corporate culture", I would bet you're affiliated with the Democratic party on at least an informal basis, if not actual paid consultants. Of course your own esteemed fuerer, Al Gore, has more than his fair share of political hypocrisy, including that pathetic speech in front of the Democratic National Convention where he told the tale of his sister's untimely demise due to the evils of tobacco- never mind the fact that he still has interests in his family tobacco plantation. By comparison, Mr. Bush's business follies consist of honest screw-ups, not the documented blatant falsehoods attributed to Gore. But of course, deception seems to be the stock-and-trade of "New Democrats", as personified by Herr Clinton himself. Sincerely, "Concerned Citizen". Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 13:06:00 -0500 From: "Joseph M. Hall" Subject: (no subject) I LOVE YOUR WEBSITE..... George Bush is so full of himself....he does know when to even laugh. He is a rich boy who has been GIVEN everything in this life. The Dallas Morning News (or the Morning Snooze as we call it here in Dallas) has become the unofficial cheerleader for the "shrub's " campaign efforts. George W. Bush will NEVER be president. The American people can spot a phony from a mile away. Keep up the great work...and DO NOT SELL THAT DOMAIN NAME! Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 08:30:55 -0700 (PDT) Subject: keep up the good work! I read some of the letters you've receive, and it saddens me that some folks just dont get it. the very fact that bush is trying to stifle your freedom of speech makes him a traitor to the ideas put down by our forefathers two hundred years ago. do you have an e-mail address where i can reach the bush ppl? Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 18:36:59 +1000 (EST) From: B.Buckley@sca.usyd.edu.au (Brad Buckley) Subject: Re: GEORGE W. BUSH JR. ATTACKS DRUGS AND FREE SPEECH Great stuff and keep it coming. As we would say here in Australia "you are a bunch of stirrers". Brad From: MurfHaw@aol.com Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 23:36:32 EDT Subject: Great job. I find your site very exciting, and I wish Bush and the rest of their goons will back off and leave it alone, after all the stuff that has been posted about Clinton and we never heard anything from the man bitching about it. Bush needs to get a life and care more about us that what is printed about him, that is politics and if he does not like it, then he should not be making plans to run for the presidency, or put up or shut up. Thanks for the site. From: VELOZ2000@aol.com Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 16:21:50 EDT Subject: Glad I found you: Subject: Compassionate deal and silence. The idea to address the relentless Republican Conservatism as compassionate is an attempt to deceive the Americans citizens into believing something that it is not. Who are they going to fool? What It really means is that if the Older Version of Dan Quayle is elected the republican rich people will foul you up like they did during the dark ages of Reagan but now they will tell you that they pity you. Someone should uncover this plot. The silence of the republican front runner is clearly because if he opens his mouth we will tell immediately what he is and what undesirable things he stands for. So his campaign will not let him speak until it is too late to change the candidate. Anyway it is a scam and even the republicans should reject it. Thanks for letting you know. Juan A. Colon. From: "Brent Ziemann" Subject: Expression of Ignorance. Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 00:12:31 -0500 Well I can't say I was impressed with your web site because honestly I'm = not. Never in my life have I seen such ignorance placed on a web = site...It's easy to defame someone when they're right...and well that's = what your doing to Mr. Bush. Anytime you through salt in a wound it = burns. Bush is the salt in yours, since you obviously can't beat him = you bash him. The democratic party is on the way out. Just look at = what happend in Texas. For the first time in over a 100 years it's = offices are held by republicans. You have no one to blame but the filth = you put in the Whitehouse. But that will all change in 2025. Because = you're fight against something you can't stop and that's 2 Chronicles = 7:14. From the White Water cover up to the Columbine Shootings it's = spurred a Christianity Revolution. Take a lesson from history and = prepare yourself for the awsome power of the Living God. The Revolution = has started and it's coming back around right in your face. =20 From: "Judy Harvey" Subject: gwbush site Date: Tue, 22 May 1990 15:06:53 -0500 I thought freedom of speech was especially important when it came to = politics. I read the article in the Dallas morning news about Governor = Bush trying to close down this site.What gives? I happen to have voted = for him myself , but can't agree with his actions in this matter. Thanks = for listening. Judy Harvey From: "TED C KARADAVIS" Subject: You suck Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 16:36:21 -0400 You friggen Democrates SUCK!!! I Know the only then you have to offer is = FEAR itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will lose big time! From: dwalsh@flash.net Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 17:04:18 -0500 Subject: (no subject) What a shame. I voted for the governor's father. I voted for George W. I trusted him to make the right decisions for our state. He has not been a bad choice, but he continues to bring in his so called friends to help run the business of the state. I'm speaking of people like Elton Bomer, who got caught stealing for the state several years ago. Like Todd Staples, who may call himself a conservative Republican but by his own record on the Palestine City Council is in fact a bigger government, Higher taxes, more government control politician. Like the State District Judge in Palestine, Anderson County, Bascom Bentley, who sues and threatens to sue everyone who opposes him for re-election (specifically, Joe Bunton from Palestine, who was sued by Bentley for 9 million dollars). Who sited his only reason for changing parties "because of his friendship with the Governor". The Governor shunned the very able candidate for D.A. in Anderson County because of influence by these very people. Now with this said, George W. can pick his friends and normally I don't judge a man by the company he keeps, but, when these friends and associates fight the people in order to maintain control over the public and I have tried to let the Governor know what is going on and he ignores the facts then I have a problem with the governor. From: JReese5491@aol.com Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 20:39:39 EDT Subject: Thanks for the same old line. And to Rico who is switching parties--see below I love to hear knee jerk liberals spouting the same old line. Especially "Rico" who dramatically vows he is switching parties. As a former yellow dog liberal I lapped dogged every thing I was told to do or say and that was one of the things I was told to say with great emotion. Rico, if you think anybody still believes that ole line then we could be in trouble. Please don't stop though-- I need the gas that comes out of liberals who seem to be hell bent to fix everyone elses sins and Alger can use it in his gas tank. Have you ever noticed the liberals don't seem to laugh and be happy because they are too busy fixing everybody else-- Gee whiz, thats a great big burden. See you at the voting booth; or will I??? From: Rmorri09@aol.com Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 15:44:59 EDT Subject: stupid is you This site is really dumb...did you really think Gov. Bush would pay you $300,000 for this site... ....and what resources were wasted on this site!...what a waste of time and $$$$...money that you could donate to the Gerald Ford Museum...if they would have it. Maybe G. Gordon Liddy...naw he wouldn't want your $$$ either.....put it in "mutual funds" or better yet make another great video clip about videos My friends at ZD/TV made fools of you....sorry From: Pelonious@aol.com Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 15:13:58 EDT Subject: Great Site George Bush is a loser anyway. I wonder how his savings and loan swindle money is holding up? What has been good for Texas is GWB is another one of our "invisible" governors. We never see or hear from him! The only time I remembered we had elected him was that time he stupidly showed up for jury duty. Man, what a freak! Love, Kevin White From: bmurdock@postoffice.swbell.net Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 10:08:57 -0700 Subject: Your Web Site Bravo! This is satire in the proud tradition of the Harvard Lampoon (Sorry Shrub) and many others dating all the way back to "A Modest Proposal" for the Irish problem. The underlying point, so dramatically demonstrated in your links to The Wall, deserves public discussion. As one writer in the Dallas Morning News so aptly put it (paraphrasing) "If George Bush's actions as a youth were judged by the legislation he has proposed and enacted, he'd have been in jail." Keep up the good work. And yes George, if the Federal Election Commission wants to know who I am -- gwbush.com has my full permission to reveal my name, address, and voter registration card number. From: SMayes4011@aol.com Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 10:30:55 EDT Subject: Your pathetic smear campaign You must be a liberal, spineless human to spread lies and innuendos about the Texas Governor. Enjoy your fun little web site because the site most certainly will be shut down. However, I bet the Enquirer and The Star will love to hire you!! Adios, Jackass!! Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 09:08:47 -0500 Subject: you rat go support old bill clinton for a third term - he will take all of your rights away and only a village can raise a kid - From: chasm@insync.net (schuetzen) Subject: His stand on ? Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 07:24:46 -0500 love your parody site would still like to know what his stand is on 2s amend rights and issues. keep it coming chas From: hclarkmsmith@webtv.net (herbert clark) Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 01:52:31 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Bush problems I like what they have always said. F*** 'em if they can't take a joke. From: Bkv17@aol.com Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 02:40:57 EDT Subject: nice site I always did like a website with subtle humor. Too bad the people trashing the site dont get it. Who on earth said all jokes had to be tastefull. If you dont like the joke then dont come back...no need to whine and complain about it. =oP Its hilarious that the most well formatted letters are the ones that seem to be the least well informed. Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 23:37:18 -0700 Subject: question??? Is it true that Frank Guerrero and Zack Exley are homosexual lovers?????? From: "Dan Gregory" Subject: you dinks Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 23:57:21 -0400 Don't you dinks have anything better to do than attack GWB? What about AL Gore and all his college drug use? This whole thing is a Democrat scam to change the focus. You suck. PS: Have a nice day. From: Pulitza@aol.com Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 19:19:12 EDT Subject: your site Dear gwbush.com, I like your Web site — I really do — but you should be careful about quoting people in "mock" stories such as the piece on W's drug use. Parody is an important — and constitutionally protected — form of political speech. But there is a fine line between parody and libel. I think you should rethink the content of your site before you get sued. Bush is a public figure, so he won't have much of a case, but he can still file a lawsuit that's going to cost you time and money. Matt Stiles From: Pegit99@aol.com Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 15:29:32 EDT Subject: Re: Deceptive practices Dear Roy and Liz, Thank you for responding to my e-mail. However, I believe you have confused my e-mail with some other writer. I don't recall mentioning big business as an evil to the election process, nor did I say "government serves to express the will of the people." I guess you many have forgotten that we are a republic and not a true democracy. That is, "we the people" elect representatives who make important decisions on our behalf. The wisdom of the founding fathers shines brilliantly for over two hundred years when they chose to become a republic government because they knew "we the people" can be short sighted and sometimes too passionate to make rational decisions. Sometimes "we the people" don't agree with the decisions our elected representatives make but come next election "we the people" can vote our representative out of office. So please, do not put words into my mouth. I still do not agree with your deceptive practices concerning this website and feel you should be ashamed of your tactics. All it does is muddle the waters and confuse the voters who are seeking truth and answers to real issues. Big business is not the issue here. What is the issue is your clever and misguided abuse of free speech guaranteed to even you by our magnanimous Constitution. Yours truly, Margaret M. Stadler Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 10:51:14 -0500 Subject: Re: Garbage collectors The Web site "gwbush.com appears to be run by the garbage collectors. Most Texans know George W Bush, who he is, what he stands for, what he has done for Texas, and what he can do for America. One day he will be The President of The United States of America but the trash and garbage collectors will still be digging in the garbage for those old stinky socks that he has outgrown and cast away. I know more bad about myself than anyone. I'm sure that George W. Bush knows all the bad about himself. You sick'os need to get your heads out of the toilets. Then you might be able to see a more pleasant side of George W. Bush Thanks and you are welcome Jerrell Roy Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 10:47:14 -0500 Subject: gwbush.com this site is great bush jr is just as big a crook as his old man wow I am now switching parties. Thanks 4 waking me up! From: MBMGOLFER@aol.com Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 11:23:29 EDT Subject: thank you! Dear Sirs, As a native Texan, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this website. In my opinion, the whole George Bush family has been a scourge on this great state since the moment they arrived here as exiles from the Great White North. Now that Georgie "Shrub" Bush, Jr. has succeeded in publicizing his "Compassionate Conservatism" campaign, he appears to be branching out into other areas: "Compassionate Racism," "Compassionate Cronyism," "Compassionate Capital Punishment," "Compassionate Hypocrisy," etc. Shrub Bush claims to be a big opponent of tax increases, but this wasn't necessarily the case when he was part-owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team. Back then, in the early 90's, he urged the citizens or Arlington, Texas to impose a sales-tax increase on themselves, in order to pay for the Ballpark At Arlington, where the Rangers now play. Of course when the Ballpark was built, Arlington got the tax bill, and Shrub got huge profits when he later sold his Rangers stock. I could go on and on, as hopefully you can and will. Please keep up the great work. Texas and the rest of America need you! Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 11:21:49 -0400 Subject: sanctimony am not a gwbush fan, but what he did with his youth is his business. people are in prison for selling cocaine - only the very poor go to american prisons for using. are you 12 and unaware of what goes on in real life? or are you some sanctimonious schmuch who feels because he's a believer, you're better than those you lampoon. judge not lest ye be judged - do unto others - these are good rules to live by why don't you? Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 09:39:19 -0500 From: "Hans Marosfalvy" Subject: Kudos! Ladies and / or Gentlemen: I read in today's Dallas Morning News coverage of your web site. I = immediately went to it to see for myself. Finally there is somebody explaining to me what GW Bush's campaign and = political platform is all about! Keep up the good work! /s/ Hans M. From: roger@organic-electric.com Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 07:02:29 -0700 Subject: Bush Property Seized--Trading with the Enemy--i.e. Hitler, WWII !! Hi ... I read about your website on Wired and paid a visit ... I don't know where you folks are politically but I thought you might find this excerpt interesting. "On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by Prescott Bush." That's right, Dubya's granddaddy was one of Hitler's supporters, just like the Ford's. Did you know ... Prescott Bush ran an ad in a California newspaper in the late '40's/early '50's soliciting potential conservative politicians ?? You know who answered the ad ?? None other than one Richard Milhous Nixon. That's right, Dubya's granddaddy mentored Nixon. What a contribution to humanity that was !! Sarcasm aside, the Bush family is anti-democratic, pro-privilege. The use of GW Bush's oil companies as CIA fronts ... October Surprise, Bush & Casey (soon to be VP & CIA Director, respectively) travel to Madrid and Paris to negotiate a delay in the release of hostages ... October, 1980 ... a little mini coup d'etat right there. Then there's the Bush involvement in the S&L; debacle ... what was his son's name, Neil Bush ... Silverado Savings and Loan, was it ?? BCCI, too ... Then, Iran-Contra and the dirty wars in Central America -- happened on Bush's watch, no ?? Then there was the covert op at the Mena Arkansas airstrip, while Clinton was governor, Bush was VP, and Reagan was getting senile in reverse ... I'd say that pretty much puts these guys in bed together, don't it ?? You guys are being way nicer than these fascists deserve. If you guys can help stop the the Bush dynasty before it spreads any more, like a virus, you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. Sincerely, Roger Click for excerpt from George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, courtesy of Roger Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 06:46:54 -0700 (PDT) From: "admin@gmacsucks.com" Subject: Re: Copy of letter sent to George W. Bush Mr. Exley, Below is a copy of a letter I sent to George W. Bush about your site. Keep up the good work and let me know if you need any help. I bought GMAC to the table within a week of my site going up. (www.gmacsucks.com) Timothy W. Davis tim@gmacsucks.com > Dear Mr. Bush; > > As a registered Republican in the state of Indiana, > I am disappointed about your campaign committee > going after Mr. Exley I am sorry but you need to > bite your lip and live with it. There have been > several web sites that have popped up on the > Internet in that last year just like Mr. Exley’s for > a reason. I know because, I had to use the Internet > (www.gmacsucks.com) to clear up a Judgment on my > record that was illegally awarded to GMAC while I > was on active duty in the Persian Gulf during the > Persian Gulf War. > > What ever Mr. Exley’s reasons are for the web site. > He has a right to free speech. Maybe it is time for > Americans to get off their butts and let their > voices be heard. > > Respectfully, > > Timothy W. Davis Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 09:57:40 -0300 Subject: Garbage IU think what you are doing is the lowest yet- even lower than Clinton-Gore Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 09:35:26 +0100 Subject: Way to go! Whether anything you have against GB is truthful is not my major concern. The attempt to censor you is. Keep up the good work!!! -Anti-censorship brigade -Peter Waker SF, CA From: "Ronnie Tucker" Subject: George Bush is out of touch Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 00:54:39 -0500 George Bush is out of touch with the American. I live in Texas where = George Bush don't know didly squat about the issues Texans are concerned = with little lone what Americans are concerned with. George Bush has put = more people off welfare than any other governor in history. This fact = he is very proud of. I have never in my lifetime seen so many homeless = people in this state. What George Bush mostly does in this state is = dispense of rhetoric and false perceptions. Your vote for Bush is a = vote for more poverty and corporate greed in this country. Also I might = add that since George Bush has been governor of Texas, the courts have = overwhemly ruled in favor of the corporations in cases where individuals = are going up against corporations. This is well below the national = average, and only suggests George Bush's pandering influence in the = judicial establishment. Mr. GWBUSH.COM, keep the good work, and don't = let those folks in the Bush camp get to you. I think that you are not a = political entity and should be left alone by the Bush people. If George = Bush would listen to his constituants, then they would not need to vent = their concerns elsewhere. Thanks. Ronnie Tucker From: "Stephens, Wesley E." Subject: Wired.com - George Bush Story Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 23:31:30 -0500 This is in response to your article "Beating Around the Bush". http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/19815.html George Bush should be ashamed of himself. The internet, along with every other communication medium, should be immune to reproach from anyone, especially politicians, when the right of FREE SPEECH is the underlying issue . Seeing as Governor Bush is an elected official, Mr. Exley, along with everyone else, has a DUTY to voice their opinions/views on your track record, or anything else for that matter. You Do want to be president right? Well, then you opened yourself AND your track record up for scrutiny. George Bush may not like the web page, but he should respect the webmasters right to publish that page, no matter what he thinks of it, or thinks it does to his precious 'Presidential campaign'. Asking the Federal Election Commission to "crack down" on the website and design group, is seriously abusing his position as Governor, even if nothing comes of it. Am I the only one bothered by the fact the he believes it is OK to "sick" the proverbial dog on the little guy, because of a conflict of opinion? Grow up George, take your licks like the rest of us. And by the way, next time sick your dogs on a REAL criminal. Wesley Stephens Austin, TX Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 22:12:07 -0400 Subject: you have my support Hi there..! I found out about your site from www.slashdot.com , a news site. I like your website, and like that someone is finally standing up to the hypocrisy of Bush II and Clinton concerning their drug use and possession. I thought that I was the only one who cared about the inconsistencies. Thanks for representing uncommon wisdom. -Joe Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 21:29:43 -0400 From: Bob & Subject: FREE SPEECH What a bunch of crap, is he a communist? He is attempting to suppress one of our constitutational rights! From: LongJC@aol.com Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 20:52:03 EDT Subject: Web Site Parity Lives. Love your page. Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 17:31:16 -0700 From: "Jeremy Kost" Subject: GET A LIFE...IF YOU CAN"T BE CONSTRUCTIVE...SHUT YOUR MOUTH Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 19:12:27 -0500 From: "Edward Rynearson (cfsolutions)" Subject: Brilliant Site I love it Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 16:44:20 -0700 From: "James Johnson" Subject: Keep the faith I just read an article related to Bush's attempt to plasce legal obstacles in the way of your maintaining your Web site. In my view, his ploy is little short of the Federalist enactment of the Sedition Act of 1798. I hope you are willing and able to fight this out. J. Johnson From: "Joseph Armstrong" Subject: What, me worry? Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 09:06:58 +1000 Alfred E Newman summed it up well with the "what, me worry?" slogan. I often use a person's response, to the type of thing your site portrays, as a measure of their ability. Is the presidential hopeful an insecure and frightened individual? To my mind, a person of strength and grace would simply allow and laugh with the type of parody you provide. How does your portrayal harm the candidate? I would think that the candidate has too much free time or is too concerned with non essential items to make a suitable leader. Any leader of substance can tolerate satire. It would appear that this one cannot. If I were an American citizen, I would not vote for this candidate. Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 17:05:25 -0600 Subject: Available Domain I'd like to call attention to the availablilty of www.dubya.com (http://www.networksolutions.com/cgi-bin/whois/whois?STRING=dubya) From: "Tim Altonji" Subject: no porn Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 18:33:58 -0400 I don't see any porn. Where is it? What a rip off. From: epuhlig@dexteraero.com Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 15:09:41 -0700 Subject: Why not pick on Clinton? There has never been a more scandalous president in the history of the U.S., yet you waste your time criticizing GW Bush? Why not focus your energy on a true loser like the hypocrite Bill Clinton? Just curious... Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 17:48:23 -0400 Subject: Amnesty 2025 I am hugely impressed by Mr. Bush's honesty about his drug use and his compassionate re-evaluation of our current penal policies. Amnesty 2025 is a remarkable idea. I would like to volunteer to work on his election committee. Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:23:03 -0700 Subject: bushman Bush, categorically, is unfit to be the next president -- a postion that, effectively, amounts to leadership of the Western world. My concerns have nothing to do with the fact he snorted cocaine as a youth, who cares! more that he's not smart enough, worldy enough or in any way tested on the broader policial stage. Good family/party connections should not guarantee a shoe-in -- which is what i'm afraid will happen here. If the Republican's know what's good for them, they'll choose McCain. I am in no way a Republican supporter, but McCain is the better man for the job. From: "Kevin" Subject: wonderful Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 13:54:15 -0700 The site's terrific...would that you had the time to do everybody kje From: RUSSMORE@aol.com Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 16:40:28 EDT Subject: Opinion Great Page - Keep it up. GW Bush is a true clone of the republican right, with their ideology "Money Rules --OK" From: "James M. Elliott" Subject: GWbus Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 15:09:40 -0500 I dislike this scumbag too. Wasn't he behind all of those bank closing's in the early 80's or 90's? How come he didn't go to jail for robbing banks? Keep it up you guys you totally have my support. Its to bad the media is so easily paid off. Thank God for the web and Dad with friends in the right place. Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:33:06 -0400 Subject: info I think your site is great. I think it hits to cloes to home for police state minded Bush bitch. Contact as many people who have interests like your owns. Find a lawyer who will support the cause by offering free services. He can gain great exposure going up against the bitch and you will have representation. I think your freedom of speach will win out over his almost crazy desire to have you registered or closed down. That is not what this country was founded on and the courts will ensure it. Thanks, Dan Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:26:25 -0700 Subject: (no subject) Excellent work, my friends, excellent work! Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:26:10 -0400 (EDT) From: "Paul F. Mende" Subject: musical parody links for gwb, jr. nice site. you might be amused by the musical parody at www.capsteps.com From: "Steve Perry" Subject: More seriously Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:05:41 -0700 Keep up the good work and fight the good fight for the 1st amendment Steve Perry From: "Steve Perry" Subject: GW for president Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:00:20 -0700 Boy and how! I am, ready to cast my vote today for this visionary! I hope that GW will get me out of the prison of poverty and ignorance cause I am a bonefied adult. Hear hear, there their. Your pal in democracy Steve Perry From: Pegit99@aol.com Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 13:38:04 EDT Subject: Deceptive practices Dear Sir; I have reviewed your dishonest website and feel compelled to write you regarding your tactics. Spreading falsehoods through deception by stating you are the "Presidential Exploratory Committee" site for G. W. Bush shows how creepy you really are. When you did not receive the $350,000 price you requested for "gwbush.com" domain, you made the choice to use adolescent type of revengeful tactics. Which include making outrageous statement such as Gore would be a better president because he admitted to smoking pot. Oh, please...what a bunch of hypocrites you are. Don't you remember how President Clinton never inhaled or how Gore didn't realize he was at a fund raiser in the Buddhist Temple. Why don't you tell the truth about who you really are? It doesn't matter that you are not supporters of George Bush because when intelligent people who mistakenly go to your website will soon realize what a bunch of "losers" you really are. Hiding behind the "Wizard of Oz" curtain will not protect you from disclosure. Why can't we have a real discussion of issues instead of this bizarre rumor spreading political hack job? I fear for our great nation when our commitment to politics stoops to this level. Sincerely yours, Margaret M. Stadler From: "Jack McEnany" Subject: great site Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 13:36:29 -0400 This is a work of brilliance. You are to be commended, people should = name their children after you and send money to your favorite causes. I linked to you. Check it out: Jack McEnany Editor www.NHPrimarySource.com Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 13:25:07 -0400 From: "A. Tassy Prosser" Subject: great site Saw the article in today's NY Times, and just checked out your site. Hilarious! My only suggestion would be to play up the nepotism some more (does the American political system really need dynasties?). Keep up the good work. Date: Fri, 21 May 99 10:15:14 -0700 From: skennedy@molly.iii.com (Sam K.) Subject: I love it! I love it! Keep up the good work! - Sam Kennedy Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:13:15 -0700 (PDT) Subject: What!! Your article "A campaign with a difference: compassion" shows your ignorance. Well, before you start this kind of stuff you need to look at the White House right now and look at the history of Mr. William Jefferson Clinton! He has gotten away with totally disgracing the presidency. I guess you want Gore to fill in those shoe. As far as drugs, I guess you did not know that Mr. Clinton's best friend and brother was arrested for cocaine and Gov. Clinton (at the time) pardoned his best friend the day after he was found guilty. So you go for it. You are doing a great job of being idiots! God help us all. Curtis From: "Train Man" Subject: Quit whining! Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:06:45 PDT Saw your poor excuse for a "Political" website today. Why don't you guys just quit whining and address some real issues. What do you want, another loser like Clinton in the White House in 2025? You'd probably like that cause he'd protect your right to free speach even though that free speach is misleading, untrue, and degrading. People like you make me sick.... Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:19:35 -0500 From: "C. Goodman-Strauss" Subject: good work Very nice site; I saw the story on the front page of today's NYT. You can't buy that kind of publicity! God knows what this sort of free-wheeling satire will do to the political process. Chaim Goodman-Strauss cgstraus@comp.uark.edu Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:15:16 -0500 Subject: Revolting Ad I enjoy web satires, especially political ones. But if you are going to use a picture as revolting as the Diesel Ad, you should better document the actual use of the ad. As it appears on your site now, it is a very cheap shot which detracts from rather than enhances your message. From: "Viet Do" Subject: Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 12:08:21 -0400 Keep up the good work! From: "norman" Subject: wow! Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:12:35 -0400 Dear sirs: Having read the column in Salon earlier this week, I was quite dismayed over George W's internet savvy (especially coming from Connecticut -- one of several 'home states' claimed by the Bush family). I visited your site today, after seeing the story in the NY Times. GREAT STUFF!!! Keep it coming! Norman Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:04:19 -0400 Subject: Yes! This site rocks! I hope the man doesn't shut you down. Best of luck, Annalisa Date: 21 May 1999 07:58:53 -0700 Subject: George Bush Hilarious! From: "raya salter" Subject: Rock On!!!!! Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 07:44:44 PDT You guys rock! Screw those Bush lawyers (I found out about you guys through the NY Times article online). There's nothing wrong about what you're doing... you just own the address that's too close for comfort for those hypocrites! I hope and pray that the internet can live as an equalizer and does not turn into a tool for corporate and governmental control. I especially liked "The Drug War" and have been to the site of the November Coalition. Put me on your e-mail list, if you have one. Peace out, PrincesR Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 09:44:06 -0500 Subject: clarification needed Excuse me, but I'm confused. I fail to see the phrase "human people" as anything but redundant. As an editor, I may be taking you too literally, but criticism (especially if it's to be couched in parody) needs to be clear, not cloudy. Come on -- I'm an old Tom Lehrer fan, so I think I'm capable of understanding. Just give me a clue here... thanks connie stephens Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:37:45 -0400 Subject: Bush for Prez You idiots claim to want free speech, but spew forth nothing but garbage and lies. I hope you enjoy your 10 minutes of fame from the NYTimes article. I'm sure you'll be very bitter when Gov. Bush is elected President. Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:35:39 -0400 Subject: :) good work; this is a fine, fine piece of work. It restores my faith in humanity to see things like this. (i'm being perfectly serious). :) keep it up. From: GJRisk@aol.com Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:25:37 EDT Subject: Your web site I guess if you don't have the courage to say who you really are, you pretend to be someone else, and that way it's more difficult to challenge you. That's the way liars and thieves work. I hope you're proud of yourself. I hope your computer drowns in a thousand hate messages like this. From: "Jim Hylton" Subject: What else can I say? Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 09:25:36 -0500 Thank you, ThaNK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your creation is Excellent. Jim Hylton From: "M.Harada" Subject: free speach huh Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:25:31 -0400 This is a very deceptive web site - at no point do you publish your affiliations - you are treading a very fine line between free speach and deception. I am NOT a Bush supporter - never have been/ never will be - but I do support open and fair elections - this does not aid in achieving fairness. Use your financial resources to promote public honesty - not deception Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:20:00 -0400 From: "Richard B. Hoppe" Subject: Your Site While I agree with your defense of free speech on the Web, I also suggest that deceptive Web sites, like deceptive speech everywhere, is immoral. Masquerading as another site is, to be blunt, a lie. Richard B. Hoppe Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 08:19:04 -0600 From: "David Roper" Subject: Your fine web site Hey, if you want to criticize someone, just come out like a man and say what you want to say! This hiding behind George's skirts in order to criticize him is chickenshit. Your web site is chickenshit. Get your FREE Email at http://mailcity.lycos.com Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 09:47:44 -0400 Subject: Drug Users Personally, I believe that anyone who willingly admits to having broken laws they in fact knew were in force at the time they broke them should be put in prison with all the other law breakers. I suppose the first to be released, should he somehow succeed in being elected, would be the sons and daughters of those who worked on his campaign!!! Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 06:43:44 -0700 Subject: website load on Macintosh INternet Explorer 4.5. I believe there is a problem with your framesets and do not believe you can have a <head></head> in the <noframes> section. Good luck, Jacob Lyles Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 07:22:16 -0600 Subject: (no subject) Thanks, and good luck. You should probably have a disclaimer, but I appreciate your points. (I am for Bradley.) Chris Bailey Colorado From: Lau4evr@aol.com Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 09:20:44 EDT Subject: keep up the good work expose this guy as amcuch as poxxilbe u have my full support From: "andrew kogerma" Subject: Bush is a weenie Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 09:02:00 -0400 GWB has ducked every tough question posed to him. He seems to think he is a dauphin waiting for his coronation. My question is: where does this arrogance come from? Certainly not from personal achievement, since he has had evrything handed to him by wealthy family friends. andrew kogerma Date: 21 May 1999 07:58:06 -0500 Subject: Your Site Zack: In an e-mail interview on Thursday, Exley predicted that Americans would "intensely resent the Bush campaign's actions." - NY Times 5/21/99 Have some feedback from one of the "human persons" (do you realize that "corporate" persons are ultimately created to benefit humans? are you aware that without corporate persons, most human persons would lack employment?) that you so glorify at your web site. Why don't you spend your time promoting something positive instead of attacking something you perceive as negative? Who do you support, Billary? I intensely support the Bush campaign's actions, and intensely resent those who spend their time trying to denigrate honorable citizens who seek to help the country. Chris Howell Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 07:12:58 -0500 Subject: Keep up the good work It looks you've gotten under Frat Boy's skin already. Keep up the good work.-TWG Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 8:09:33 -0400 Subject: Your web site Congratulations on the most dishonest web site in the technological universe! I have sent a contribution directly to Mr. Bush to aid in his lawsuit against you and your site. Truth will prevail. Your kind of hypocrisy will fail. Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 07:56:52 -0400 Subject: Web Site Visitor You guys are a bunch of morons. Do you really think that you're performing some public service by putting up this immature web site containing petty criticisms of George Bush. You are exactly the type of jerks that the American public would love to remove from the entire political process. It's insulting to the American public that your attempting to frame the political debate on such stupidities as you discuss here. Why don't you talk about the real issues that Americans care about and provide YOUR opinion on them (whoever you are) rather than participating in the character assassination that the American public is so demoralized by. It's sad that you don't realize it but you're PART of the problem in AMerican politics tiday - not part of any solutions. Stop talking about why G. Bush is so bad and tell us why your so good. That way, maybe we can make an informed, intelligent decision in the next election. On second thought, you wouldn't want that, would you? By the way, you may think I'm a G. Bush supporter or, at least, a Republican by nature but you're wrong. I'm for the best candidate regardless of party affiliation and my voting record proves it. Get to work on real issues or get out of the way so the rest of us can! From: "John Borell" Subject: deceptive Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 07:47:46 -0400 Criticizing elected officials is as American as baseball. However, your = site is deceptive since you have designed it to look like the official = Bush web site. If you wish to be critical of Gov. Bush, please be honest = about who you are. Your deceptive practices lessens your credibility. Thank you Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 12:37:46 +0100 Subject: nytimes article You've hurt Georgie's feelings and threatened his ego with this page. Keep up the good work! From: "Jerry" Subject: Cosas. . . . Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 06:30:26 -0500 I've heard there are pictures of Geo W. dancing on a table--drunk and = naked. It believe they will be very relevant in formulating his = campaign issues. Let me know when these documents (!) will be = available. Thanks. Jerry Ledin From: Ythom1@aol.com Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 07:08:35 EDT Subject: (no subject) This is disgusting and it is obvious who is behind this ... Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 07:01:37 -0400 From: "Gregas, Molly" Subject: website Your website is a riot...I hated George Bush and I can't stand his son (The Shrub) either. Luckily, the Bush campaign is so clueless that they are doing your promotions for you by trying to get your website shut down...hey, the reason I found it was the news article in the New Your Times...you can't get much better press than that! You should contact Molly Ivins, star columnist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, a longtime critic of Texas politics and the Bushes, AND a sharp writer with a great sense of humor...she'd LOVE this website war saga. http://www.star-telegram.com/columnist/ivins2.htm From: "CitizenA" Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 20:57:20 +1000 One issue of import to GWBUSH.COM, especially concerning the college-age = demographic, is the potentially explosive issue of George W. Bush's = cocaine use in his wild early days. We are certain that today's youth = are clever and discriminating enough to tell the difference between = George W. Bush's use of cocaine, and the use of cocaine by the felons = that have been locked away for long periods during his governorship, but = we want to understand the "weak" points of the issue, so that we can = address them as appropriate in the course of our campaign. Here are some = questions to help us on the way to greater understanding and higher = intelligence. As usual, please feel free to ask more, and please let us = know what they are so that we may integrate them into this list.=20 1.. Do you currently use drugs illegally?=20 2.. Have you ever used cocaine?=20 3.. Are you are aware that George W. Bush will not deny having used = cocaine in his college days? If so, how have you come to terms with = this?=20 4.. Do you like the "Three Strikes" laws, whereby repeat felons are = locked away forever?=20 5.. What, in your own words, differentiates George W. Bush's early use = of cocaine and that of the felons who are routinely locked away for the = same offense, sometimes for years and years, or even forever?=20 6.. Do you think a tree falling unheard in a forest makes noise? Do = you think a crime committed without being caught is a crime?=20 7.. George W. Bush says he has learned from his cocaine mistakes and = has "grown up." Do you think it is possible for a felon behind bars to = learn from his or her cocaine mistakes and "grow up"? More likely? Less? = 1. actually, i use them right now. 2. yes. once, it was a trip & a bit i tell ya. 3. maybe he doesn't want to deny, because someone might ask him = if he still using cocaine. 4. no. 5. pretty stupid. 6. yes, a falling tree is all was heard. yes, but only if = proven. 7. if one human being can, so can another. human; male; anglo-korri; 24 yr old; single; occupied (i.e: i have a = job.); sales support assistant; From: "CitizenA" Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 20:40:17 +1000 Almost all people--from human people as normally understood, to = multinational and other corporations--agree at this point that = government serves to express the will of the human people. We at = GWBUSH.COM feel, however, that it should not only express the will of = the human people, but carry it out. These questions are aimed at = eliciting ideas about government and what it could accomplish, if it = served and helped human people in various ways desired and requested by = the majority. We are interested in the responses of human people, as = well as official responses from corporations.=20 1.. Do you know that "We the people" refers not only to humans, but to = corporations?=20 2.. How can government better serve human people?=20 3.. Should non-human people be given more rights--freedom, for = example--than they already have?=20 4.. Should non-human people have some of their rights--the right to = free speech, bear arms, etc.--taken away?=20 5.. If so, will taking away non-human people's rights create a bad = situation for human people?=20 6.. A good one?=20 1. yes. 2. by listening to & discussing with them how. 3. well if they haven't got freedom, any other right is = meaningless. 4. they can keep the of right of free speech, but everyone gotta = lose the guns. 5. that depends... 6. ...human people can be pretty stupid. like walk into a door, = start war, etc. human; male; anglo-korri; 24 yr old; single; occupied (i.e: i have a = job.); sales support assistant; Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 03:31:07 -0700 Subject: Do you really believe what you are saying...... Strange things do happen in the US, yet, drugs are truly not (YET) legal. Would love to know whether that drug info is true or not. Did he, or did he not? Regards From: "CitizenA" Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 20:14:58 +1000 Many people believe that the best candidate will win a campaign, the = best corporation will dominate a market, and so on--in other words, that = Darwin's theory of evolution, crudely understood, applies to human = society and culture... or, in simpler terms, that might makes right. We = at GWBUSH.COM do not agree with this; we think that often, the winner in = a market is the winner simply because he or she has might on his or her = side, not because he or she is better or more deserving. GWBUSH.COM is = interested in learning more about this issue and how it could be = investigated and shaped in a campaign. As usual, please feel free to ask = more questions than these, and please let us know what they are so that = we may integrate them into this list.=20 1.. To establish your demographic with regards to this question, = please answer as honestly as possible whether the acquisition of money = is your primary goal in life (in practical, not metaphysical terms).=20 2.. Are you willing to "go the distance" to fulfill your primary goal = in life?=20 3.. How would you characterize a person whose primary goal in life (in = practical, not metaphysical terms) is the acquisition of money?=20 4.. Do you think that those whose primary goal in life (in practical, = not metaphysical terms) is the acquisition of money should be given more = power than anyone else to "go the distance"?=20 5.. Are you aware that there are a great many people who answer "yes" = to the above question?=20 6.. Of the people who answer "yes" to the above question, how many do = you think count the acquisition of money as their primary goal in life = (in practical, not metaphysical terms) 1. no. 2. yeah. 3. a dick! 4. no. 5. yes. 6. more than i care to know! human; male; anglo-korri; 24 yr old; single; occupied (i.e: i have a = job.); sales support assistant; From: "Duncan B. Rotch" Subject: keep up the good work Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 23:58:23 -0700 We need more parody like yours.=20 Any press is good press and the NYT is not a bad start. May the first = amendment be with you.=20 Sincerely,=20 Duncan Rotch=20 Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 23:48:25 -0700 Subject: End of the search GW Bush (*.com) must joust with Dan Quayle and Steve Forbes and Pat Buchanan and whatsizname Bauer? It will be a glorious battle. AMS From: francene@pacbell.net Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 23:27:50 -0700 Subject: G. Bush web sites ie: New York Times 5/21/99 I find it outrageous that you would try to stop free speech on the internet. Obviously this would be a typical thing that radical right G. Bush would do should by some fluke be elected President. I love the fact that Gov. Bush loves guns but hates free speech. Sounds like a combination communist -fascist mandate to me. By all means keep it up, that way we know we will keep a Democrat in our White House. I can't wait for all the dirt comes out. Then Georgy Porgy will have a taste of what Pres. Clinton has been put through. Paybacks a bitch!! Francene Blanchard San Diego Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 23:01:32 -0400 Subject: lolololololol , thats f*&)( great. lolololololololololol you go dude, dam good fin job. lololololololololololol Here is a picture I took of GB. The lighting was just right to catch his true essence. See Attached, I don't know who you are but I am willing to bet you are one of Elvy's friend's Peace ![]() Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 21:10:45 -0500 Subject: Great Site Keep up the good work, I love it. Don't let the basturds close it down. Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 18:07:25 -0700 Subject: Human People For such a human people kinda guy how come his website is so hard to send email to? I filled out his awful cgi script and explained that I really want to see him and his bedfellow achieve world domination as soon as possible, and cited your website as the source of my inspiration (that and der Fuhrer's, of course). Think he'll allow me to contribute? Inspector General Siefried Heinrech Von Shriekenholler Neue Deuschland, Inc. "It's Time He Come Again!" Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 22:05:34 +0200 Subject: Fight them! I read about the actions about U'r Homepage. As a person of central/easteuropean origin I may tell U - FIGHT BUSH, HES LIKE HITLER AND STALIN. Don't give any power to those people. Clinton uses clusterbumbs in Yugoslavia, but Bush propably will use the A-Bomb. Stop thes person. He shows right now that he'll be a dictator. Free the world! CMS/Solnzevo Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 23:02:11 -0500 Subject: From: "Jon Todd Calvert" you're going to get your asses sued Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 19:43:37 -0700 What about getting John Hinkley as his "Running Mate"? He's due to get out of prison soon. Now there's a model of redemption--plus he's a friend of the family! Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 17:31:06 -0400 Subject: Bush George Bush will be a fine President and will be an excellent replacement for the morally bankrupt administration of present. It is unfortunate that you have taken a sarcastic and destructive approach on your web site. But, this is America and you have your rights too. While I disagree with you I do applaude you for exercising your rights. From: "Rachel Luxemburg" Subject: FYI Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 17:17:10 -0400 If you read "The Secret War Against The Jews" you will find a lot of information about the Bush family involvement in the CIA, gun running, and other fun stuff. Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 14:12:35 -0400 Subject: this website is nothing but trash Why do anything at all, if it has to be trashy. What good use does this site have? Entertainment? Hardly. Why not put your talents and efforts into something positive. So now mudslinging has invaded the web. Unbelievable. Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 14:29:03 -0700 Subject: Gosh.... Gosh, but I love your site. Finally, some one with a CLEAR message for change. I drank a lot of coke as a kid, and I think it's awful that Mr. Bush is getting so much flack about it. What's wrong with a little "experimentation." Yours truly, I. P. Freely. From: "Brian McCarty" Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 02:37:48 -0400 You strengthen Bush by making up stories about him. I thought this = garbage was for the "extreme Right Wing." It looks like the Left = abandons truth as well.=20 R. Brian McCarty, Esq mccarty1@bellsouth.net. |
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