A Life Sentence, for using drugs?

I know it is hard to believe that a jury would find me guilty knowing I will receive a life sentence for such minor crimes so long ago. But the jury does not know the sentence. In fact they can not know the sentence. The defense is not allowed to tell them! This is one thing that really helps prosecutors get convictions in our current era of irresponsibility.

The jury, like most Americans, do not know about the 'Conspiracy Clause' in the Democrats' drug laws of 1986. They don't understand that, according to the Conspiracy Clause, I will be sentenced according to my dealers' crimes, not my own crimes.

My family has asked me, 'Must you do this? Must you go to jail for so long?' Well, I could probably reduce my sentence by rating out others. But George W Bush is no rat.

As soon as I am found guilty, I will go to federal prison to begin my sentence. My inauguration will take place in prison, and after what will no doubt be the toughest year of my life, my first act as president will be to enact "Amnesty 2025". The first pardon I grant will be my own--only so that I can work harder to free all the rest who are serving unjust sentences.

When I finally get to the Oval Office, I will then commence with the daunting task of establishing the "Grown Up Commission". The "G.U.C." will determine who has grown up and who hasn't among the hundreds of thousands serving hard time for minor crimes. Thousands of social workers will be recruited as part of Americorps. They will roam the country investigating cases individually one after another and I will grant pardons to everyone determined to have grown up and to have learned from their mistakes.

The network mini-series, "The Trial of GWBush"

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