Kevin McHall, Seagoville, Texas
Donald Johnson, Crecent City, CA
Joe Jackson, El Reno OK
Tom Nathaniel Walker II,
Fort Worth, Texas
Melvin Thomas, Soledad, CA
Rodosvaldo Pozo, Green Bay, WI
Be a (pen) pal!...Click
for mailing adresses
How these letters got here: These letters came in reponse to a blurb I wrote a couple of months ago for the Razor Wire,
the newsletter of the November Coalition,
which goes out to prisoners of the Drug War all over the country. I predicted Bush's problems with the cocaine
question and suggested that prisoners write letters to Bush, c/o Me.
Now here they are...good timing, eh?
(I've received dozens so far and will post more soon.)
PS: These folks would love
some MAIL. |