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Subject: you suck, just my opinion
Date: 6/19/99
Subject: (no
Date: 6/19/99
Thank you for adding some truth to public monologue
Subject: Another
cool Web site possibility.....
Date: 6/19/99
is www.jarjarbush.com. I checked and it is available right now. When I heard
his name repeated on radio I thought I heard Jar Jar Bush instead of George
Walker(?) Bush. What a cool name to have right after the GREAT MOVIE was released.
Also makes for a very cool campaign slogan
"Yousa Pleasa Vote for Meesa"
This jarjarbush could go places!!!
What do you think?
Subject: Country
Club Draft Dodger
Date: 6/18/99
Is it true that George Jr. wiggled out of military service during the Vietnam
War? Can this be true? Actually the rumor is, that no son of former President
Bush ever came close to serving during war, but this is all right because they
where behind our boys, one hundred percent. So come on out there. Is this just
a rumor? What' s the truth? Is George Jr. a stand up patriot, a die for America
kind of guy? Or is he a weak sister, panty waisted, yellow bellied little whoosie
girl. Enquireing Minds want to know!
Subject: Mrs. Bush
Date: 6/19/99
Why did the wife LIE to the US CUSTOMS in Atlanta? She think she was above the
Subject: Keep Up
The Good Work
Date: 6/19/99
Hi, Just wanted to say I enjoy your site and think what you are doing is really
great. As they say, "Don't let the bastards get you down." Keep up the good
work. One thing I was wondering was how can you get in trouble for influencing
the outcome of the presidential election/primaries? If that was a problem, then
every member of the media would have been guilty. Anyway, good job.
Your supporter, James
Subject: subjects
for U website
Date: 6/19/99
I am in Texas and thought you might be interested in what Georgeeboy has done
for us.
1. Texas is now the only state in the Union that now allows lawyers to Sue HMO's.
Thank you George 2. The Governor said He will sign legislation allowing physicians
to UNIONIZE for collective bargaining with Insurance Companies. 3. The State
Health Insurance Plan, for those who can't get insurance elsewhere because of
a pre-existing conditions, excludes coverage for Pre-existing conditions.
The result
1. Insurance rates have skyrocketed forcing most employers to cancel coverage
or make the employees pay more for it. 2. Physicians incomes have taken a dramatic
increase. 3. County Hospitals are making plans for rapid expansion at the taxpayers
expense 4. 3 out of 4 physicians now have 2 or more homes with personal autos
worth in excess of $100,000 in the driveways 5. Georgieeboy has so much money,
most from physician & Insurance company lobbyist that he doesn't need federal
campaign funding.
Subject: (no subject)
Date: 6/19/99
You Dems are through. Bye Bye!
Subject: You go!
Date: 6/19/99
Keep up the good work! While I don't exactly share your Hugo Black-ish view
on freedom, I do firmly support your challenge to Mr. Bush's attempt to silence
Knock 'em dead!
-- " Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to
hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you." Yoda to Anakin Skywalker,
Star Wars Episode I, The Phantom Menace
Subject: Shrub?
Date: 6/20/99
I can never tell all of these little bushes apart. Which one got a bail-out
from Resolution Trust Corporation? Which one is married to the jewelry smuggler?
Which one is the former cocaine user? I think a nice catchy nickname, such as
Shrub Bush, is just the thing to help the little fellow establish an identity.
Any chance your site could take a first step?
Thank you,
Peekskill, NY
Subject: War on
Date: 6/20/99
The most pathetic thing about Governor Bush's campaign, is that his attitude
reflects a recurring theme in the war on drugs that emphasizes a battle in the
ghettos primarily against lower income minorities rather than upper class, educated,
white folk like himself. As an African-American college student at an upscale
liberal arts institution, I am disgusted by the 'immunity' given to pot-smoking
spoiled brats who will surely grow up and vote for conservative republican initiatives.
I sometimes feel like being privileged enough to go to college entitles you
to a period of youthful mistakes and a growing up that can be altogether disregarded
in you 'responsible' adult years. When I compare this to the crackdown that
is taking place on people in urban areas, it makes me wonder if this is as great
a land as Gov. Bush proclaims. Down with the 'Haters.' NL
I would like this letter posted if possible. Thank you.
Subject: t-shirt
idea by me
Date: 6/19/99
an idea I had while reading the letters page: black shirt - front: in white
print, in center: "got freedom?" a la 'got milk' commercials back: "gwbush.com"
hope you like it -steve
Subject: Slogans
Date: 6/19/99
All the Gorey details Chinagate, Perverts Partner Internet Inventor ...... (come
on guys lets get going)
Subject: Jan. 2025:
Our long nightmare will be over
Date: 6/20/99
To Whom It May Concern: In January 2025, our long national nightmare, the Clinton
Administration, will, at long last, be over. President Bush and Senator Rudy
will be sworn in, and the Clintons will be in divorce court, followed by bankruptcy
court. Then it is off to the trailer park for President Clinton and Chicago...oops,
I mean New York, her home....hahahaha.....for Mrs. Clinton. This administration
has been a disgrace. He inherited an economy on the comeback, and the rest is
history: gays in military, health care proposal, foreign policy disasters, and,
let us not forget, scandal after scandal. Oh, I almost forgot about the impeachment.
Enough said. Looking forward to President Bush's first term: America's recovery.