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Subject: to the followers........
Date: 6/22/99
If any of you are genuinely seekers of the truth, I would advise looking into
several media/internet sources and not just bits and pieces taken out of context
from a single web sight which blatantly leans one particular way. How shallow
it is to spout what you read here as "the truth". If you are sincerely interested
in the impending Presidential campaign, then I would suggest picking up this
weeks TIME and NEWSWEEK (both feature Bush), watch CNN, maybe Dan Rather (for
you liberals in the crowd), and read your frickin newspaper (what a novel
idea). Do a little investigation with your own mind and perhaps you'll open
it up a bit and forgo preconceived notions based on political parties and
special interest.
Subject: Person
Date: 6/21/99
Greetings Zak,
I've been to your web site and I congratulate you on your work for the freedom
of all. Thank you. Below please find the word person defined. In the lawyer's
attempt to include you in the trappings for a corporation, he's failed to
note that their rules and regulations do not apply to you!
Supreme Court in the case of Wills v. Michigan State Police, 105 L.Ed.2d 45
(1989) made it perfectly clear that you and I, the Sovereigns, cannot be named
in any statute as merely a "person," or "any person." You and I are members
of the "Sovereignty" as defined in Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356 (1885)
and the Dred Scott case, 60 U.S. 393 (1856).
In common usage, the term "person" does not include the Sovereign and a statute
employing it will ordinarily not be construed to do so. See: United States
v. United Mine Workers of America, App. D.C., 67
S.Ct. 677, 687, 330 US 258, 91 L.Ed. 884
In common usage the word "person" does not include the Sovereign, and statutes
employing the word are generally construed to exclude the Sovereign. See:
United States v. General Motors Corporation, D.C. Ill. 2 F.R.D. 528, 530.
Since in common usage the term "person" does not include the Sovereign, statutes
employing that term are ordinarily construed to exclude it. See: United States
v. Cooper Corporation, N.Y., 61 S.Ct. 742, 743, 744, 312 US 600, 85 L.Ed.
The lawyer is attempting to draw you under the controls of government. However,
the commission's authority is only over corporations.
John Howard Freeman
Web site: Sovereign Man! http://members.tripod.com/~Autarchic/
Subject: Nice site
Date: 6/21/99
I'm sure your site will have continued success after GW Bush is the President
of the United States of America.
Subject: Support
for George Bush Jr.
Date: 6/21/99
I too have a site dedicated to George W. Bush, aka George Bush Jr. or Darth
Bush. It can be found at www.georgebush2k.org. A lot of it isn't up yet, but
it should be within the next couple days.
Subject: Keep up
the good work
Date: 6/21/99
Just viewed your site at the suggestion of my brother. As a former resident
of Texas, I found it particularly amusing. I'll keep checking in from time to
time to see how things progress. Best of luck with the FEC.
Robert Atlanta, GA
Subject: an idea
for ya
Date: 6/21/99
Here's an idea for you, and maybe we can make money from this. I'm not going
to go ahead and register this cause frankly I don't have the funds. However
I'll take you on your word if you use this idea that you give me either some
money or at least some credit.
How about registering "www.screwgwbush.com" and making a website showing what
an a-hole he is?
Not sure if this is legal, but it seems so. The only thing is that the secret
service might launch an investigation on the site. But if you get some advertisers
and get some press coverage, I figure you could make some major mula.
Subject: Interesting
Date: 6/21/99
Dear Mr. Exley,
I support your right to parody Presidential hopeful G.W. Bush's website and
campaign. So will the courts (and they have--see Larry Flynt V. J. Falwell.)
However, I wonder at your repeated attempts to point out the candidates' hypocrisy
(a word which, according to your "letters" section has multiple spellings).
For one, G.W. didn't pass the mandatory minimum laws in this country, however
idiotic they may be. He didn't start the war on drugs either--a war which I'll
point out to you is whole-heartedly supported by our current administration.
Clinton has supported of increased spending on this "war" every year he has
been in office. Talk about hypocrites. I wonder why you'd spend time and energy
in an attempt to ruin Bush's campaign, when the current president has done nothing
to help the very situation you complain about. It leads to the conclusion that
you choose to ignore some hypocrites and unveil others. Clinton has friends
in prison for cocaine crimes. He admits to smoking pot. Yet he has increased
the budget for the war on drugs, allowed the highly inconsitutional practices
of search and seizure to continue, and has not changed the mandatory minimum
laws one iota. These are not partisan ramblings; they are a matter of record.
Yet, you choose to pick on a man who has never had the ability to alter federal
law, while leaving the one who can and does make federal law alone!!!
This leads me to the interesting conclusion that you are a pro-Gore Democrat
whose main goal here is to run a grass-roots smear campaign against Bush.
Beyond this: I recently saw a letter in Harper's in which you are representing
yourself as a Bush campaign worker. This is beyond satire. It is misleading.
The FEC will see this, and unfortunately for you and free speech will probably
try to shut you down. Running this site is one thing; replying to inquiries
as if you are actually connected to the Bush campaign is fraud and borderline
libelous speech (especially when you discuss his alleged cocaine use in the
text of that letter).
I hope, for the sake of the campaign, Gov. Bush chooses to ignore you. I think
this would be more approprite than gunning for you. The extent of your own hypocrisy
in choosing to ignore a liberal's refusal to revamp the idiotic war on drugs
while attacking the conservative's non-existant federal policies will sink your
intellectual ship anyway. As a man who voted for Clinton in past elections,
your site and his complete hypocrisy has turned me away from the Democrats altogether.
You probably won't print this anyway; it contains a valid argument against your
so called intent with this site, and the truth about Clinton.
Subject: re: website
Date: 6/21/99
Great website. It is shame you don't have a newsletter to go with it. Any dirt
you dig up on G.W. I would be interested in being informed.
Subject: How
Date: 6/22/99
Your proposing Amnesty 2025. These poor unfortunate men and women who have
spent time in jail for anywheres from one time drug use to occasional drug
use and were sentenced to jail under YOUR PARTY's mandatory sentencing act
which took place under your Father's and Regan's administrations. Now you
come along and want to release them (how benevolent of you). It must be an
election year! I remember that 'mandatory sentencing' cry ringing out from
your party. Lawyers could not plea bargin with the courts. The law was structered
that 'they were going to pay for their crimes' One time use of weed, possession
of a joint! Aw no, the Republican Right wingers wanted blood. They got it.
The jails filled to overflowing. Now you come along... how ironic....whatta
joke! Respectfully,
Subject: Audacity
I find that your audacity is only exceeded by your deceitfulness. This is
not an officially sanctioned George Bush website authorized by him and I find
you use of his name unethical. Delete me from your mail list Patrick Strohl
Mechanicsburg PA
Subject: Your Wonderful
Date: 6/22/99
GWBUSH.COM-- I luv ya. Keep up the good work and we'll keep them cards 'n letters
comin' in . . . .
Subject: Re: GWBUSH.COM
Date: 6/22/99
You guys are rad. I haven't used that word since sixth grade, but that's what
you are. Rad. YOU GO with that trial story. Rock on - you're making me feel
like there's still hope in the world for a little teency tiny bit of justice.
Subject: New Bush
Date: 6/22/99
Hey gwbush,
Great website. Very funny, especially Bush raising the age at which juveniles
can be tried as adults to 40. I thought I'd let you know about a new Bush info
site that's just gone up at http://www.georgebush2000.com/ We're trying to bring
out some of the truth behind George Bush, in particular where all his money
sprang from (while he's a friendly guy, he's not exactly a business mastermind).
We have a link to your site and were hoping you'd reciprocate with one to ours.
Thanks, Bill Medaille medaille@onr.com webmaster http://www.georgebush2000.com/
Subject: speach
at Indianapolis
Date: 6/22/99
I was wondering where I could get my hands on that speech gw gave in Indianapolis
last summer.If I'm not mistaken he made a Freudian gaffe of great magnitude.I
saw it on the news,but haven't seen it recently.I would love to send some video
mail of that gaffe to some freinds.Sincerely,Tim .Springville,In.
Subject: A comment
to Republicans-please post this
Date: 6/22/99
I have a few notes to the various Republicans who have posted their particular
views in the messages here:
1. Ye who support the death penalty: You should renounce your Christian faith
(I hate to be so general about your faith but I know I'm right). What exactly
does the bible say about killing? On the secular side-what good does killing
someone do? Does it deter criminals? Does it save money? Does it have any redeeming
quality at all except to satisfy the surviving victims of a crime?
2. Someone made a long-winded remark about how all Republican presidents represent
integrity and strength and Democrats represent weakness and dishonesty. Let's
go through the list, shall we? 1. Abraham Lincoln. First member of the GOP to
be elected president. One of the few Republicans I respect that held office.
Everyone knows his actions. 2. Ulysses S Grant. Elected as war hero (this certainly
means someone knows how to run the country). I personally don't have any ill
feelings towards Grant, but he had one of the most corrupt administrations this
country has ever seen. He was quick to pardon anyone who might have been involved
as well (similar to Bush's pardon of Reagan and his goons). 3. Rutherford B
Hayes. Although his administration didn't do much (except for some expansion
into the Midwest with the beginnings of the homestead act), his presidency was
a farce. Until 1877 the Republicans of the north defended the rights of the
African-Americans in the south to vote (this was because they needed the votes,
not because they weren't racists). In a compromise that allowed him to be elected
president, the North withdrew all support for the blacks in the South and thus
they endured incredible limitations to their voting until almost a 100 years
later. 4. Chester Garfield. Didn't do anything special in office. Partially
due to his assassination. 5. Benjamin Harrison. Didn't do anything special in
office. Did, however, show some of the qualities of the elite Republicans (wore
gloves so as not to be infected by the "common people"). 6. William F McKinley.
Another Republican I respect. Was good at warfare and had a fairly progressive
attitude. His assassination did give rise to one of the more powerful and beneficial
Republicans that we have had... 7. Theodore Roosevelt. The Republican party,
from 1901 to 1908, had a different attitude than the GOP of today. Under Theodore,
we had some incredible inways into regulating business (meaning that all the
meat factories were as described in Upton Sinclair's book, and the progressive
Republicans did something about it). Of course, Roosevelt didn't stay with his
party after the election. He moved to the Bull-moose progressive platform in
1912 (and for the only time in the history of the United States, a third party
got more votes than one of the two major parties). 8. Howard Taft. A very ineffective
president. He was quite conservative compared to Roosevelt and thus got nothing
done. 9. Warren G Harding. Very corrupt administration. Died on a train (food
poisoning). 10. Calvin Coolidge. Another do-nothing administration. 11. Herbert
Hoover. A bit more effective than his predecessors, but still blinded by his
party. Bush has recently stated that the government cannot create prosperity,
but ask anyone who had a family member involved the works project such as the
Hoover Dam and see if they don't feel that the government can help in their
financial well-being. -A note on the presidents from 1920-1932-Because of Roosevelt's
split in the party in the 1912 election, the Republicans became an ultra-conservative
party for quite some time. Any wonder that the Great Depression occurred after
a decade under their "trickle-down" politics? 12. Dwight Eisenhower. The last
Republican who I can respect. He was fairly moderate and warned of the "iron-triangle"
that was forming from the military-industrial complex. 13. Richard Nixon. Nixon's
administration wasn't all bad. I can't say I have anything but loathing for
the individual, but his foreign policies with China was quite a leap for this
country. Everyone knows the rest of his story. 14. Gerald Ford. Well, at least
we didn't get stuck with Spiro Agnew. 15. Ronald Reagan. For some reason, people
just loved this guy. He didn't serve in the military (that didn't stop him from
thinking that he did), he consulted astrologers on how to run this country,
accrued a huge national dept, invaded Grenada, and got to take credit for Jimmy
Carter's release of the Iran Hostages. The only positive aspect of his administration
is the progress with Russia (which can really be attributed more to Gorbachev
and less to Reagan, who stated that Russia was the "Evil Empire" at the beginning
of his administration. 16. George H W Bush. Can't say much about this administration-George
was very crafty in not doing anything to make anyone angry. Of course, there
was Desert Storm (which I guess is a noble thing to stop some countries who
had a very brief conflict that might affect oil prices). I guess that kept our
military strong.
3. Military Strength. Someone accused Democrats of being communists who don't
support the military. First of all, read about how Al Gore went to Vietnam even
though his father didn't support it-and read about how Bush defended Texas against
Mexico during that time. Next, read about World War II. Read about how economically
depressed we were. Read about the invention and use of the A-bomb (not that
I support the use of it, but I think that could be classified as military strength).
Then realize that this was the biggest external threat to us since the British
in the War of 1812. Also realize that for 4 terms, and Democrat sat in office
to help us get through it. There are other battles and wars to talk about, but
I will leave it at that.
I am doing all of this from memory, so I might have mistaken something here
(but I doubt it). If anyone wants to email me about the validity of any of my
comments, then do so at Tony_Walters@dell.com.
Subject: Saw your
url on This is True
Date: 6/22/99
Keep up the good fight!
Subject: great
Date: 6/22/99
I read about your site in Randy Cassingham's "This Is True" newsletter.
I enjoyed your web site immensely. Not just for its content, but more for your
resolve in standing up for your rights. As a life-long Republican, I am honestly
dissappointed to read some of the things on your web site. But as an American,
I more importantly respect your right to say it.
I am glad to see that you did not just bow out when presented with the Bush
attorneys' scare tactics. We have rights in this country. And, if I could "borrow"
a line from another more intelligent person than me, while I do not necessarily
agree with everything you say, I would fight to the death for your right to
say it.
Keep up the good work!
--------------------------------------------------------------- Scott
Subject: BOGUS
Date: 6/22/99
Confusing the voting public (most with internet access cannot discern parody
from reality) is foolish.
Thanks for the information about G.W. Bush. Pour it on.
Reid and Liz