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Date: 6/23/99
I'm sure you get plenty of e-mails per day, and I wouldn't wan't to increase
your traffic above your 250$ cap,
but I have to say, after reading the site, and listing to the real media
episode- I am impressed.
I was not aware of gwb's past.
if anything you opened my eyes about his past, and I'll be anxious to
see what the outcome of this ordeal is.
good luck!
Dr Aubrey ...
Subject: Pictures
of George W. Bush
Date: 6/23/99
Can you send me an ugly picture of Bush. thanks -- Michael
Subject: Great
Date: 6/23/99
Great site you've got here Zack. I hope you're able to keep up the good
work. In Minnesota the average sentence for killing someone is only 8 years,
and there are people doing life for selling drugs. I guess it's a matter
of priorities. Erik
Subject: The
REAL Bush site
Date: 6/23/99
No wonder he is mad! I just went to the official GEORGEWBUSH.COM site and
his site is super funny. He's mad that you are trying to get in on his funny
business. His is funnier. Here are a few examples;
1. According to your site, he is a hypocrite - according to his, he is The
Messiah. 2. Your site lets us know that it will be funny - his subtly pretends
to be serious. 3. Your site expects us to laugh at actual facts - his lures
you into his masturbatory fantasies about a dubaya Presidency. 4. Your site
was developed knowing he won't "do what's right" - his pretends that he
will. 5. Your site shows that he isn't qualified - his pretends that he
I'll be back once in a while to get some laughs from your site, but I plan
to visit his regularly for some real laughs.
Subject: RE:
Thank You
Date: 6/23/99
My only concern is that wearing it may backfire, since people who see gwbush
may not realize it's a joke. I don't want people to take it as an endorsement.
(Let's face it -- some of the people who support him may not be the most
discerning individuals around.)
Subject: George
W. stole the term "Compassionate Conservative"
Date: 6/23/99
Love the site. Keep it up!
Maybe you've heard this already, but GW stole the term "Compassionate Conservative"
from a San Francisco Right-Wing Jock named Mike Savage.
Proof: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/bluesky_exnews/19990622_xex_did_bush_ste.shtml
Regards, Jeff
Subject: Keep
up the good work. Free speech is untouchable!!!!
Date: 6/23/99
Subject: Keep
up the Good Work
Date: 6/23/99
Zack- I cannot remember laughing as much reading any other web site. You
are not only talented at parody and satire but are doing a public service
by exposing the hypocracy of the Bush family (let's not forget Iran-Contra
and Silverado) - youthful indiscretions indeed. I even wrote a letter chiding
the other less mature Bush web site for the bad taste, intolerance, and
frightening political attitudes. Keep up the good work
Jack Baldwin
Subject: Bush Consultant Karl Rove
Date: 6/23/99
George Bush says he is a friend of minorities. However, his key political
consultant, Karl Rove played the race card in his most recent campaign,
which involved the use of racial stereotyping in direct mail during the
state GOP primary race in Illinois when he was employed by Senator Peter
Fitzgerald. Senator Fitzgerald has maintained a financial tie to a bank
that pleaded guilty to laundering drug money (in Operation Casablanca) and
Senator Fitzgerald may have derived a profit from his heavy ties to the
Bank of Montreal and Grupo Financiero Bancomer. The Bush-Fitzgerald connection
is worth exploring, especially since the money laundering guilty plea has
completely discredited Mr. Fitzgerald in the state of Illinois.
An Illinois citizen
Subject: Damm
good site
Date: 6/23/99
Keep up the good work-Mark
Subject: bush-it
Date: 6/23/99
Great site. Not only has Bush side stepped the Rockefeller Drug laws due
to his connections, but so did Senator Shelby's son, who was caught with
over 50 grams of cocaine returning from England. He got probation. Unbelievable.
And to the person who wrote that drugs kill, you're right....Pharmaceutical
drugs definitely killed over 480,000 people last year (according to Death
and Mortality news) and that does not include all the children killed by
vaccines! So let's not talk about how dangerous marijuana is, since, according
to medical experts it is NOT addictive, nor does it kill anyone. Down with
these draconian drug laws. Was nothing learned from the Prohibition and
McCarthy era? Why are we making criminal out of non-violent drug users?
We don't put alcoholics in prison. Arizona's citizens have got it right,
they have overturned the drug laws and now send non-violent users to REHAB!
What a novel idea!
One who plans to vote for Bradley.
Web Site
Date: 6/25/99
Boring and mean spirited - some letter writers to your site are easily
amused, others are clearly downright dangerous - thanks for encouraging
Subject: sign me
up for rally
Date: 6/25/99
Would you please let me know of others in the Albany NY area who would join
an Amnesty 2025 rally? I'd like to get involved. Thanks!
Subject: Fw: please
Date: 6/25/99
Thanks for having the courage to create this awesome site. GWB has always given
me the willies. As the scion of an effete, New England WASP family AND the product
of a Texas man's man environment, GWB suffers clearly suffers from double repression,
as evidenced in his authoritarian, pinched, awkward manner. But far worse, of
course, are his provincial ideas and destructive policies. Guns, death penalty,
prisons-for-profit, limits on reproductive rights for women, Christian conservatism,
the death of public education, public programs and affirmative action -- these
are but a few of the terrors that await us if this man is to be elected. This
self-righteous, moralistic man need look no further than his own father for
lessons in duplicity: Reagan and Bush sr. were never interrogated or indicted
for Iran-Contra crimes, despite evidence of their complicity; they were explicitly
named by Oliver North, Cap Weinberger and Elliot Abrams. The press never pursued
Bush sr.'s longterm, extra-marital affair, either. This affair was common knowledge
among Washington insiders. The Bush circle's cloak of privilege is a lesson
to us all in how politics and power succeed in American society.
Subject: What a
Date: 6/25/99
Another one of Clinton's sheep. The blind leading the blind.
Subject: Comment
Date: 6/25/99
Heard your website mentioned on last night's edition of NPR's, "Beyond Computers"
My question is why would anyone vote for this guy when basically he is running
on his daddy's notoriety and got where he is basically by being born to this
particular family. The media is pushing this person on the public and I frankly
don't see the appeal. Any comments?
Subject: right
Date: 6/25/99
keep it up man. The bush people have bought up dozens of mirror sites to try
to quash internet debate about this election. You are telling them to stick
it up their ass. Your work is very much appriciated by thoose of us here in
Fla. keep it real
Subject: Bush 2025
Date: 6/24/99
All you are doing is wasting your time and money by trying to trash George W.
Bush. Your fans are brain dead moronic imbeciles who use made up "facts" to
try to persuade others. To all you slimy liberals: you have 17 months to find
your rock to hide under!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Keep up
the good work
Date: 6/24/99
Political satire has been part of America since Franklin's "The Sale of the
Hessians". GWB can't expect it to become illegal now.
I'm glad to see that you aren't letting the lawyers intimidate you. Keep up
the good work, I'll be checking back from time to time.
Subject: Thanks
Date: 6/24/99
Dear Mr. Exley:
Your web site makes me proud to be an American. If pretensious fops like George
W. Bush are going to run for our nation's highest office, they should be subject
to the most intense scrutiny. I applaud your efforts. I also laughed very hard.
I would say you are now in the league of those Frenchmen who pied Bill Gates.
p.s. have you ever read A Fan's Notes by Fred Exley?
Subject: Great
Date: 6/24/99
Keep up the great work! I believe your site has helped expose G.W. Bush for
what he really is - a megalomaniac who would do a lot of damage to this country.
Thanks again! Adam, Seattle, Washington
Subject: drug conspiracy
& statute of limitations
Date: 6/24/99
I believe there's NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON CONSPIRACY to obtain drugs and
GW is subject to arrest. It would just take a citizen to make a "citizens arrest"
on him for his criminal acts. Someone with big kahunnas. That's why he won't
talk about his past crimes. He's afraid of getting busted (right). He fills
his Texas prisons with people for using drugs but he skates FREE. His oldman
Bush Sr. flooded the innercities with CRACK and Bush Jr. packed his nose full
of COKE powder but a poor person of color gets 10 years mandatory in one of
Jr's hellholes in Texas. I hope & pray the press does their JOB and exposes
the truth on this phony (expletive). Just what we need; another NAZI in the