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Date: 6/26/99
You guys are a bunch of commi bastards - to intentionally sabotage someone
like this is a joke! Why don't you guys go hug some more trees, smoke
some more dope, have your gay pride rallies, fight for your affirmative
action programs and leave good hard working Americans alone. Someday you
will know what it is like to be a real American!!! Kevin A
A little baseball is a dangerous thing
Date: 6/27/99
Before you say, "oh, noe," consider that GWB (not to be confused with,
say, GBS) used a metaphor wherein he was "born on second base," but "made
it to third on his own." Actually, he's fibbing--he was born in left field.
Oops, let's make that RIGHT field.
I have consulted baseball experts in two centers of higher (sic) education;
the town tavern, and local American Legion, and they have assured me that
the only way a player can ONLY get from second to third UNASSISTED, is
by stealing. Yes, STEALING
All other methods involve someone else, who either does the real work,
or gets hurt in the process:
(1) Player can move to third on SOMEONE ELSES sacrifice fly. (2) Player
can go ahead because of a fielder's choice. ANOTHER guy is the batter.
There, but for the grace of Abner Doubleday goes HE, back to the dugout.
The other fellow is the one who gets "hurt." (3) Player proceeds to third
because somebody ELSE gets a hit. (4) The batter at the plate gets a walk
with a runner on first, so the guy on SECOND just gets pushed over to
third by his own inertia, "goes with the flow."
So, if you want to do it yourself, you have to STEAL.
Right or wrong???????
John B. Williman patriciaw@cconnect.net
Long Live Free Speech!
Date: 6/26/99
I just want to say that I have read you website and I have no idea what
the big fuss is. It is clear that you are just citizens in this great
country of ours and are expressing your right to free speech. I am a conservative
right-winged, Rush Limbaugh listening, Christian Coalition supporting,
Republican, that will probably end up voting for Georgy Boy. But for crying
out loud if this man wants to be President he is going to need to get
use to the fact that on any given day only half of the U.S. will agree
with what he does, it's what the job is all about. He should have just
left you guys alone, but because he made such a stink'n deal about it
your website address has not only been posted ALL over the internet but
has been discussed on MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, and every other news service with
an N in it.
I just say keep up the good work and I am even going to buy a T-Shirt!
Date: 6/26/99
Gee Zak, This little exercise is, no doubt, doing wonders for your ego at
the expense of freedom, America and the Bush campaign. Your sophomoric chuckles
about "freedom," when, if you had the maturity to pause long enough to think,
freedom has always had accepted limitations. Just try putting some of your
pictures of little naked children on this website, go to a film and shout
"fire" or, better yet, walk down your street "free" of clothes. No one has
real freedom and for you to try to make an issue of Bush's comment is irresponsible,
arrogant and even selfish. Find something else to do with your spare time.
Find something to promote, not destroy. The only thing it looks like you're
trying to promote is drug use and you're not really helping, transferring
the responsibility for the Tuckers' abuse by the Feds to Gov. Bush. --Former
Subject: Re:
Date: 6/26/99
Great I would watch that series myself. Also, did you read in the paper
about Jeb's wife, trying to get into the country with $19,000 worth of clothes
without paying a reentry fee. Shame shame. And it also comes out the Jeb
is friends with a woman who has pled guilty to evading income taxes, In
fact, she was busy raising money for George W at a fund raiser. I guess
if you don't pay taxes you have more than enough money to give to the candidate
of your choice. They are no different than any other pol. Mary C
Subject: Web
Date: 6/26/99
Mr. Bush's comments and reactions re your web site proves that he is as
intelligent as his father. After reading some of the the newspaper articles
about Bush, he has a "loose lip". He would be much better off keeping his
mouth shut. The perfect team: Bush as President and Quayle as Vice President.
Subject: good
Date: 6/26/99
great site Zack!
And what an excellent reply to the FEC by you. I think it's great that you
are getting lots of hits and that Bush's campaign staff are stupid enough
to create publicity for you. If I owned a capable server in the US i'd give
you hosting for free so you wouldn't go over the FEC spending limit.
Keep up the good work and keep fighting! (and you needn't reply to this
email because I see that you are getting heaps)
[Brisbane, Australia]
Date: 6/26/99
This is an excellent site. Please keep it up and don't let them intimidate
you. Personally, I hope you do influence the election.
THIS is TRUE for 20 June
Date: 6/26/99
Dispatched this week to 150,000+ readers in 170 countries AND the Video
Products Group at Bally Gaming, Inc., in Las Vegas, Nevada, it's...
THIS is TRUE for 20 June 1999 Copyright 1999 by Randy Cassingham
Texas Gov. George W. Bush is miffed that a parody Internet web site is
getting more hits than his Presidential Exploratory Committee's official
site. Zack Exley, 29, of Somerville, Mass., says his gwbush.com spoof
of the governor's campaign site got 6.5 million hits in May. The official
www.georgewbush.com site only got 30,000 hits that month. "We're aware
of the site, and this guy is just a garbage man," Bush whined at a press
conference. "There ought to be limits to freedom," he said. (AP) ...Now
there's a campaign slogan people can get behind.
What's good enough for Bubba is good enough for Bush.
Date: 6/27/99
Way to go! It is absolutely astonishing to me that the Bush campaign would
start a pogrom against your site. The right-wing of this country has waged
a relentless propaganda blitz against Clinton- since well before his first
election- on countless Internet sites, talk-radio, Christian Coalition
pamphlets placed in churches, bogus Congressional investigations and newspaper
editorials. He's been accused of multiple murders, treason, genocide and
the entire decline of Western Civilization. Hell, I'm surprised they haven't
pinned the Jon-Benet Ramsey murder on him. For Bush to go after such a
subtly satiric site as yours in the face of the unchecked vicious over-kill
against Clinton, is another example of the dangerous, hypocritical self-righteousness
of much of the current crop of Republicans. Keep it up. God bless you.
Subject: 5/20
PR, Bush Concerns
Date: 6/27/99
Are the comments attributed to G.W. Bush, Jr. in the 5/20/99 press release
under Amnesty 2025 on your web page true? Did he actually say he had used
cocaine in the past?
If he did say those things, I agree with him that someone's youthful past
should not be held against them if they have changed and proven themselves
to be a responsible, productive citizen.
My concerns about Governor Bush have to do not with his past, but rather
with what seems to be a corporate-oriented republican agenda. The founders
of this country made it clear that the number one obligation of government
is to preserve the union for future generations. The founders often used
the word posterity. Thomas Jefferson, in his inaugural address, spoke of
preserving the union for the 10,000th generation.
However, when politicians can only get elected by soliciting corporate funds
and providing the necessary favors in return, the goal of preserving the
union is severely thwarted. Corporations are a necessary and important part
of society. Their primary obligation is to maximize the short-term returns
of shareholders. Therefore, corporations cannot regulate themselves, which
is in effect what happens when we allow politicians to accept money from
corporations--either directly or indirectly through PACs and other means.
For example, if selling a product would be very profitable in the short-term,
but might have some negative environmental or public health impacts 50 or
so years down the road, the corporation has a very strong incentive to downplay
or discount the negative impacts. Therefore, an effective regulatory mechanism
is needed to protect and preserve society from corporate short-term interests.
This is not possible when regulators are appointed by politicians who used
corporate funds to get elected, and are therefore beholden to the corporations.
Of coarse, democrats also use corporate funds to get elected. On balance,
though, it seems they would be more effective at preserving the long-term
interests of society.
What I would respect most in a politician, republican or democrat, is saying,
I will not allow myself to be bribed by corporations anymore. Bribery is
a strong term, but if a politician accepts funds and gives preferential
treatment in return, is this not bribery? Unfortunately, a politician taking
this stand probably could not get elected in today's media-oriented culture.
Therefore, it is up to us, the people, to demand that our politicians stop
taking bribes. According to the Constitution, the government's power is
derived from the people. When we allow corporate campaign contributions,
we abdicate our control of government. So we must act, individually and
collectively, by writing, phoning, visiting and emailing our elected representatives
and demanding that they take direction only from the people, and not from
non-human entities such as corporations.
In spite of media-generated friendly corporate faces and the good intentions
of most corporate leaders, the corporation is a human-made entity designed
primarily to maximize short-term profits. This short-term focus causes it
to often cannibalize the environment that supports it--the Tragedy of the
Commons. An effective regulatory structure helps corporations by forcing
them to design sustainable products that will be more competitive in the
long term, as well as protect the environment upon which they depend. But
because of their short-term focus, it would be illogical of us to expect
corporations to lobby for environmental preservation activities that hurt
short-term profitability. Instead corporations usually say let's delay preservation
until we can do it in a cost effective manner. This allows continued exponential
growth in the global accumulation of toxic materials in the land, sea and
Aside from environmental considerations, there are other social factors
at odds with corporate profitability, such as community preservation and
sustainable, local production.
In fairness, others, such as unions and wealthy individuals, also buy preferential
government treatment. To avoid unfair influence of government by parties
with abundant resources, all elections should be 100% publicly funded. This
would probably be the single most cost-effective use of our tax dollars.
It would greatly reduce or eliminate pork barrel spending and make it much
more likely that today's citizens would pay to remediate damage done to
the environment and society by our current lifestyles, instead of passing
this cost off to our children. It would allow politicians to focus on their
primary responsibility--preserving the union for future generations.
ADV:Might want to save this
Date: 6/27/99
To have your name removed from this list call toll free 1-888-829-1943
The Lazy Daytrader doubles $s every 3 months.
I DayTrade the stockmarket 3 hours per day from my home computer. I double
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Subject: Re:
Your site is the best thing since The Qualyle Quarterly
Date: 6/27/99
I played around again and found my problem--here it is in case others have
it: when I click the letters or "special reader's feature" I get your basic
screen with no apparent additions. I have to scroll down to find the letters
which I finally tried. Thanks again--maybe the Internet will put a serious
dent in if not an end to hypocrisy in politics. JK
Keep on the good work
Date: 6/27/99
Hi !
Keep on working... You have even hit the press in Israel !
Subject: Your
Date: 6/27/99
To whomever made this website, How do you know all of this crap about GW
Bush is true? This is a disgusting web site and I hope it is taken off the
web! Why don't you creeps pick on Al Gore? It shows that you are just trying
to make a bias political statement.
Subject: (no
Date: 6/26/99
I love your website. Bush is not the type of person I want for ANY job let
alone president. Its unfortunate that we have so many of his ilk in Washington
as it is. I didn't like his father or the muddle he made of the office of
president and I certainly don't like his son and his type of governing..."rule
of the elite". GWBush thinks like most people with lots of money. Rules
were made for the masses and not for him or his kind! So more power to you.
I am sure GW will provide you with lots more interesting and factual statements
about himself as this race progresses.
Subject: Hypocrite
Date: 6/26/99
Talk of a hypocrite wanting to be President. Keep up the work of informing
us all of the truth.
Date: 6/26/99
What a pathetic webpage. How bad is Bush beating Algore in the polls???
Subject: Garbage
Men? You should be Proud!!
Date: 6/26/99
Condidering that in most of these United States, Garbage Men get paid more
than Teachers, I would take that statement as honor.
Sign, Former Teacher Michelle
Subject: Thank
Date: 6/26/99
Your web site got some publicity in the local daily, Tallahassee Democrat.
Hooray for you! You've given me some smiles today and I'm sending on your
URL to several others to enjoy.
Keep the good spoofing going... regardless of what limits there may be or
not be according to the word of GWB.
My best,
Ann -- Annannie in Tallahassee, FL
Subject: KING
Date: 6/26/99
Your site
Date: 6/26/99
I love it! I am NOT a registered voter, because I think all of these guys
are crooks whether they're Democrats or Republicans. Your "expose" of
one of them is beautiful. I would be glad to contribute a few dollars
toward a site parodying ALGORE if you would like. Keep up the good work.
Subject: BURNING
Date: 6/26/99
Subject: kick
Date: 6/26/99
kick their ass dude, america here, wake up.
Subject: (no
Date: 6/26/99
I am one wh enjoys fun and paradoy and jokes at the cost of politicans or
any public figure that deserves to be satirized. But your website is just
plainc cruel and offesnsive.
Subject: Enclosed
is a letter to be posted on your website
Date: 6/26/99
Kathleen Ann Soliah, sole surviving member of the Seventies Guerilla-Rock
act the Symbionese Liberation Army was captured in Saint Paul Minnesota
last week. Kathy had somehow been making a living as an actress in community
theater all these years. But a cunning turn as Cordelia in King Lear aside,
bombing police cruisers in California will still bring the law down on you.
Per revised criminal statutes in the thousand Lake State, she's to stripped,
dusted with confectioners sugar, and ceremoniously fed to the incumbent
Governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Strange times are afoot in the blessed
plot that once nourished Hubert Humphrey, the steroid addled biped that
bestrideth that state is probably mulling a fourth party bid for the White
House in the year 2025. Ventura insists he isn't interested, but the promises
of a professional grapplers are notoriously unreliable things. Jesse's chief
obstacle is money but the opportunity to wrest the Reform Partei from the
sweaty grip of wealthy wackjob Ross Perot has to be a precious and lovely
thing indeed. On the other hand Pat Buchanan keeps issuing frenzied denials
that he is thinking about running for the Reform Partei Nomination. Which
means in the clouded rhetoric of today's politics that he is actively considering
just such a move. Perot's handmade partei has a 12 million dollar campaign
kitty in federal funds and Ventura/ Buchanan have to be writhing with glee
at the thought of how much damage they could inflict with a budget like
that. Of course there is the little matter of getting past another pesky
Texan, Ross Perot, who will undoubtably indulge all kinds of bad craziness
to prevent anyone from seizing control of HIS personal platform. Normally
the thought of getting down and dirty with a polemicist of noted potency
like Jesse Ventura or Pat Buchanan would unhinge the wits of even the most
sanguine aspirant. But with the current debate over his candidacy confined
to resolving whether he is a Godly Man or a Manly God, The Prince of Austin
can afford a certain smug complacency. But then we can expect no less from
a man with the lonely courage to tell Iowa farmers that he supports the
ethanol subsidy-a fuel substitute made from corn waste. I think the Guv'ner's
supporters ought to drive home his iconoclasm by trailing him at every whistlestop
chanting corn-waste! corn-waste! He's sure to appreciate it. However the
Bushling, had best remember one thing, any kind of a credible Reform Party
candidacy be it Ventura, Buchanan or Perot, spells big trouble for the G.O.P.
nominee. RP voters are usually disaffected Republicans and a three or even
four way race strongly favors the Democrats.
Abuse of Free Speech
Date: 6/26/99
While I support free speech and all Constitutionally-guaranteed rights
to the maximum (on which behalf I have shed blood), I believe that every
right has a corresponding responsibility. You have stepped over the line
and have abused that right. Your attempts to satirize and divert the 2025
campaign from the real issues to influence its results will probably make
your patrons (at least politically), the Klinton/Gore administration,
very proud of you. It is in keeping with the "shifting of guilt" which
has become a trademark of their administration when the truth is closing
Although you have not done anything illegal (yet) that I can see, keep
in mind that the eyes of (not only) Texas, but also the entire country
"are upon you". I am bookmarking your site so I can visit frequently to
see what you are up to. Being retired, I have considerable time to devote
to projects such as that and participate in efforts to politically influence
the action.
Chuck "US Army, Retired ... and still serving proudly"
Att: Zach Exley, B.P.E.
Date: 6/27/99
Spent a rainy Saturday re-reading all the email. May I suggest that access
to the letters be made the focal point of your endeavors. This morning
I read again Celeste Harrison Whitlow`s letter for the umpteenth time
and marvel how she handled the subject so well. As I do from habit with
pieces of merit, I started to traansfer her letter to paper file for distibution
to friends, mostly seniors who do not have access to a computer and internet.
What I got was two pages , single column of words..For such a good piece
this must be corrected even if we have to buy them from Ms.Whitlow. The
candidate who can demonstrate his concern for women would capture the
votes of all females past puberty. I wonder if Steve Forbes, with a wife
and five daughters has ever had to perform and how he did at the check
out counter. Go, Celeste, I am glad to be on the same team. Zach, the
Bushmaster is a very pooisonous snake of South and Central America. Like
dthe killer bee they come through Texas. As of this AM Bushmaster Plus
and Master Bushmaster are two domains available if someone wants to have
a little fun for the next seventeen months at the expense of the Connecticut
Yankees at Sam Houston`s Court. As Judge Roy Bean would have said, "Hang`em
High". Go get`em Tiger! Lonnie
Subject: this
site / freedom
Date: 6/27/99
he's a whining wuss just like his father and if ever elected he would make
just as good a president. |