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is often asked, "Why Bush, and why bust his ass on drugs all
this time?" Well, here's why:
take drugs very seriously in this country. Our justice system
will jail almost anyone connected in any way with drugs. Even people
whose crimes are long past are frequently arrested and convicted.
is why Bush must look the American people in the eye and say whether
or not he has committed a crime for which tens of thousands are serving
and use of illegal drugs such as cocaine are crimes Bush will not
deny committing. Yet our whole criminal justice system is based on
sending people who commit these crimes to jail for a very long time.
US drug laws, enacted in 1986 by a Democratic congress under a Republican
president, made it easy for prosecutors to imprison small time or
one-time sellers of drugs, and anyone connected to them in any way.
can now charge interconnected drug users and dealers with "conspiracy"
to distribute drugs. Even spouses, roommates, friends and family who
did not use drugs can be charged and convicted based only on the testimony
of other defendants--no other evidence is necessary. The testimony
of a single defendant is all it takes and there are high incentives
for helping to convict co-defendants.
The law
allows for the least significant member of the "conspiracy"
to be given the maximum sentence allowed for the worst crime committed
by one of the other "conspirators".
all sounds impossible, but it is all true. For example, Lula Mae Smith
of Mobile Alabama served 7 years in a federal prison beginning in
her early 50's. Her crime? Her son was a drug dealer. The prosecutor
never claimed that Ms. Smith aided her son in any way with his drug
business. She was simply charged with "conspiracy" to distribute
drugs with her son because he bought her a new car while he was a
drug dealer. However, in 1989 she began serving a sentence that was
cut short in 1996 only because of two stokes she suffered in prison.
She is now on home release. There are tens of thousands of cases just
like hers. [Frontline, "Snitches": www.pbs.org]
are the extreme measures that we in America are willing to take in
order to stop drugs. In this climate, then, it seems absurd that Mr.
Bush could run for president and hope to leave legitimate questions
about past drug use unanswered.
is not taking drugs as seriously as the rest of America. It was often
said that Clinton had degraded the criminal justice system by getting
away with perjury while 114 people are serving time for that crime.
That's clearly true--justice did suffer. And now what irreparable
damage will be done by a president coming into office with hard drugs
in his past? In this case there are hundreds of thousands serving
time for the crimes of a potential president.
was born by accident. It was made famous by Bush's own hotheaded attacks
against it. Now, with hundreds of thousands of readers per month,
it is one of the voices in the presidential race. We would like to
use that voice to alert people to this massive human rights violation
being carried out by our government against our own people, and to
force former drug user candidates to justify their support for this
human rights violation in light of their own past drug crimes.