Previous Yeas
Subject: BUSH AD
Date: 11/29/99
TRASH !!!!!!!!!
Subject: Punks
like you will be held accoutable.
Date: 11/29/99
The day will come when punks like you will be held accountable.
Date: 11/30/99
I just wanted to write and congratulate you on the absolute immaturity you
have displayed by creating this website... It takes a big man to put his
past behind him as our future president George W. Bush has. It takes a very
small man to make fun of someone's past mistakes and try to cash in on it
for 20 seconds of fame.It seems you have found your place in life, insulting
others for your own benefit. Congratulations I guess you have found your
place in life. As for George W. bush his place will be leading our country
into a new millennium. Bringing with him tough drug laws and a renewed sense
of morals, all of which our current so called leader has fought against.
I look forward to having a president I will be proud to tell my children
about instead of trying to explain away the mistakes of our current president.
When you get over yourself and this website is revealed for it's total immaturity,
maybe then you realize how stupid you look. Take Care, Tamara
Subject: Vote-2000
Date: 11/30/99
I dont care who runs on the GOP ticket in (2000) I will vote with my family,
friends and church (100%) GOP!!!!Anything but AL BORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My God
people do you want (4) more years of those Pic & Pac!!!!!!!!!!! Rev. Michael
Subject: you are
a sick person!!!
Date: 11/30/99
Your computer is processing nothing but trash and not truth. To think I served
in the Korean War to help keep sick people like around. This type of trashing
is sick and should'nt be allowed on the Internet.
If you don't have anything good to say just don't say anything. This will keep
America beautiful.
Subject: Put up
or shut up
Date: 11/30/99
Parody is one thing, slander is another. As far as I can tell from reading the
voluminous press coverage on the subject, the "cocaine question" resulted from
a rumor. The source of this rumor is unknown (Gee, can you think of one or two
people who might have started this?). If you have proof of drug use, then produce
it. You also say that big business has contributed the 70 million to Bush's
campaign. That, also, is not true. Although business interests have contributed
to Bush's campaign, most of the money has come from small contributors in donations
of $1,000 or less.
Lastly, I understand that you claim to be an "independant". Pardon me, sir,
if I take that with a very large grain of salt.
Subject: George
Bush site
Date: 11/30/99
Where is your Clinton site? Bill or Hillary?
Subject: (no subject)
Date: 11/30/99
This site is a disgrace. Bush is a very good candidate and it is very sad to
see the commies of this country trying to bring him down.
-- S
Subject: limits
to freedom
Date: 11/30/99
I recently have read a number of your articles on gwbuxh.com. Somehow, I fail
to see any humor in any of them. They unquestionably appear to be libel. You
cannot claim that these postings are protected by the First Amendment, unless
you can prove that they are truthful. Can you? Mr Bush whould have no problem
proving malice, which is the only standard a political figure must prove to
succeed in a libel case which cannot be proven truthful by its author. You gave
Bush that proof by your on-;ine request for funds to publish more libelous materials
against him.
Also, you seem quite eager to make something of his comment on there needing
to be limits to freedom. Do you disagree with that? That would imply that you
believe we should abandon laws against theft and murder. If someone wanted to
kill someone, no one should limit his freedom to do so. If someone wnated to
steal from others, no son should limit his freedom to do so. I guess that means
child molesting and pedofilia also must be legalized. If you really believe
these things, I can easily see why you are a Democrat and cannot tolerate an
honerable Republican.
Subject: Disgraceful
Date: 11/30/99
It's amazing how you can't challenge him on the issues, so you have to attack
him personally. What ethically challenged individual started this piece of garbage
web-site? What left-wing, Clinton loving, tree hugging, welfare supporting,
high-tax loving, free-spending liberal started this awful, disgraceful nonsense?
You should be ashamed !
Date: 11/30/99
This is an idiotic website. It is hilarious to see liberals so scared of one
man who can defeat all the other candidates. Get ready to play HAIL TO THE CHIEF
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH IN 2025. Read it and weep!
Subject: What?!
Date: 11/30/99
Your website speaks for itself. You call Bush names in the name of Bush. Sounds
like your goal is to deceve people into believing your lies. You know that no
one would even be logging into this sight if Bush were not so popular with the
people. You sound like a sore loser to me..........To each his own
Subject: your website
Date: 11/30/99
Do you think it's good to spread lies? Thanks, Bobby
Subject: your site
Date: 11/28/99
This is a really terrible site. You obviously have no computer skills to build
such a worthless site. My 12 year old brother has a better website than you
losers. phil
Subject: Zack Exley
Date: 11/29/99
It is suggested you start looking over your shoulder, you moron.
Date: 11/29/99
You have reached the pinnacle of National Enquirer status. We need serious facts
and serious debate on the issues in this campaign, not unfounded rumor and outright
misinformation. It's because of people like you that challenges to our freedom
of expression are given serious dialogue. Shame on you!
Subject: Low life
Date: 11/29/99
You are one low life Mother F***er and I hope someone takes you to court. Your
site is not funny. It must be rough being married to your sister or was it your
mother married to her brother.
Subject: Responsibility
Date: 11/29/99
As a neutral voter, I have to say I'm disappointed by your web sight. It goes
too far. I know I'm not the only one who disagrees, but I disagree for another
reason. I don't like Bush, but your wed sight is actually going to promote
him. It's a good bet that the 50,000,000 Americans who are on the internet
are generally more educated, an not the mindless readers of the "Inquirer"
or "Star" magazine. As an educated person, I look at your exaggerated statements,
and assume they are false, because they don't contain the most important part
of free speech, "Responsibility." IF THE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE, YOU CAN SLANT
THEM ANY WAY YOU WANT. However, you don't offer any evidence of you statements.
With free speech comes responsibility. A responsibility to the society we
live in. When you degrade an demean without sufficient proof you lower the
quality of your news, and truth becomes whatever you want it to be. When truth
isn't truth any more, "THAT IS WHEN FREE SPEECH IS IN JEOPARDY." Be responsible
and more of us will listen.
A citizen
Date: 11/29/99
It must suck spending all your time bashing a man who is running for president.
Especially a man who will win and become the next president of the United States.
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". -JBK
Subject: Your parody
Date: 11/29/99
Gentlemen --
You guys have hit a new low....is James Carville your attack dog now? Next time
Dems whine about Pizza Hut with Hillary we can all recall this vicious and cruel
stab at George' s character. I don't see GWB or his people using these tactics.
He's really above all this crap.
Subject: limits
to freedom
Date: 11/29/99
Dear Zack:
OF COURSE freedom has its limits! To give the most elementary example, your
freedom to swing your fist ends at the other fellow's nose. I think you're
guilty of sound-bite logic on this one.
As for your appropriation of Mr. Bush's name for your private purposes, that
should be enjoinable under the common law -- for the same reason you can't
sell "Bill Clinton Cigars." You simply do not have the right to use another
person's name or likeness for your personal or business pursuits. That's been
the law for decades in the non-Internet arena. It's only a matter of time
until it is made clear that the same principles apply to the Internet.
Finally, if you are concerned about freedom of speech and constitutional rights,
why are you plastering pictures of Sen. McCain on your Web site? If he (and
the junior senator from my state) gets his way on campaign finance "reform,"
the ability of individuals to participate in the election process will be
limited, leaving the mass media -- who are constantly guilty of bias and sound-bite
depth to their reporting -- with even more power to frame the issues and influence
the public. Sen. McCain is no friend of the Bill of Rights!
Subject: Now we
Date: 11/29/99
>From a quick glance at your disgusting web page, now we know who else can't
Rick ӿ�
Subject: (no subject)
Date: 11/29/99
This is the most shameless website ever. Your savior Al Gore doesn't stand a
chance so you try to tear down Bush. Why don't you stick your website up your
Subject: Truthfully:
Date: 11/29/99
If the choice came down to dubbya or Al Gore, I'd plug my nose and vote for
George W.the Crown prince junior. Hopefully, if the Texas fool is nominated,
maybe his dad will take over ......( ?) So Senator John McCain has a temper:
GOOD! Finally, somebody with a backbone for a change.
Subject: gwbush
Date: 11/29/99
If you're going to have a web page to "tell the truth" you should start with
the fact that the $70M raised by Bush is all made up of $1000 limited donations.
That means at least 70,000 individuals/businesses are supporting Bush, while
less than 10,000 are supporting McCain. Tell the truth please.
Date: 11/29/99
why didn't you do a web site like this when clinton admitted perjury in a federal
sexual harrassment case, instead of this rumor about bush?
Subject: The real
Date: 11/29/99
The hypocrisy in modern politics is that groups like you radical leftist only
see problems with Republicans. Clinton raped a woman, but nothing is said. Clinton
used coke, witnessed by several people, but nothing is said. Clinton orders
nations bombed and rocketed, goes to war, kills thousands of poor people, makes
thousands of people homeless and all to divert attention from his sleazy administration.
Is there any outrage? No. How in the fuck can you sleep at night? Is there no
limit to the suffering you will put up with in order to cover Clinton's evil,
fat ass?
Date: 11/29/99
Inevitably, the names of those who support you will end up in the hands of the
Bush people, thus supplying them with another enemies list which they can use
to persecute their opponents.
Subject: You're
an gold digging fool!
Date: 11/29/99
Subject: Left wing
political hack or extorsion?
Date: 11/29/99
Hey Zack,
You sound like a lefty hack. You're giving free speech and Internet freedom
a bad name. Why don't you just go out and campaign for Gore.
If you deny political reasons for this site, I'd suspect you're trying to extort
money from the Bush campaign to make you go away. I hope they continue to tell
you to fuck-off.
I wholeheartedly agree with your right to free speech. You should say whatever
you want about anyone-but under your own name. If there is any justice, the
courts will end this type of crap quickly, much to the dismay of people really
interested in freedom on the Internet, rather than a quick buck or a political
cheap shot. What you're doing really sucks.
Subject: Fw: Young
and stupid at 29...Sad Zack Exley
Date: 11/29/99
Stupid - Although I have precious little time to muse over the crap generated
by people who've gained a measure of mastery of the English language, but not
over its pieces taken in combination.... a.. You want my attention...and you've
done nothing of significance in areas that matter. b.. You, like so many unable
to create, are more than willing to critique the work of anyone who can. c..
You would crucify anyone who has committed the most insignificant error...long
after it makes absolutely no difference. And on a basis that you likely couldn't
pass muster. (Who's a hypocrite?) d.. You would extend the logic that says that
since one man eventually showed that he was capable of good things, even though
he made a misstep, we should not try to control such behaviour at all...Hell,
let the old folks who are foolish enough to work hard and play by the rules
suffer. Right? Why don't you wait until you actually have lived long enough
to know something, long enough to have some sort of valid perspective before
you begin to sound off? No one with the brains God gave a goatee really wants
to see your crap! I'm not a G.W. Bush supporter. I am a supporter of orderly,
civilized behaviour that gives each person an equal opportunity to make his
vote...and only his vote...count. I'll vote for someone who has accomplished
something beyond disrupting the efforts of folks who are willing to work.
Subject: Bush
Date: 11/29/99
Bush's comment that there should be a limitation on freedoms is nothing more
than a re-statement of the facts and the law. Freedom is not unlimited. The
Supreme Court has, to give only two examples, illustrated this: 1) No one has
the right to shout "fire" in a crowded theater, and 2) Justice Holmes proclaimed:
"Your right to swing your arms (fists) ends where my nose begins". For you to
say that Bush made a fool of himself with the statement reveals your ignorance
of the constitution, and its interpretations. Don't get into areas where your
stupidity can be immediately highlighted and identified. judgejr